Chapter 332: Lisa, You Traveled a Thousand Miles to Send Me Some Warmth?

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Lisa closed her text messages before looking at the time. It was already one thirty in the morning.

Her little descendant was really working very hard.

A person who really did not have the passion and love for acting would definitely not be able to persevere in this industry.

Lisa put her cell phone aside before she looked at the empty spot beside her on her king sized bed. There was no one there for her to hold onto her arm, no one to act coquettishly with her, and she missed all of that. It seemed as though it was time for her to go and catch someone!


Unconsciously, the intense filming of continued all the way until November.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and this was also the reason why Irene kept eating more and more. Therefore, her face started getting rounder and rounder and everyone around her could see that she was putting on some weight.

When Tiffany finally came to visit Irene at the filming set, she was extremely startled. "How much do you weigh now?"

"Ninety six pounds," Irene replied immediately.

"You gained six pounds in just one month? Irene, are you crazy?" Tiffany asked with a panicked expression on her face. "Doesn't your conscience hurt at all when you keep eating so much and stuffing yourself with food?"

"I don't know why but I am really afraid of the cold, especially during winter. If I get a little fatter, I can get through winter so much easier."

Tiffany shook her head helplessly as she took the packet of chicken thigh rice that Irene had in her hands away from her. "I will ask the young paparazzo to watch and supervise your weight loss starting from today. How can a female artist have no care or worries about her body image at all?"

"Okay then," Irene agreed reluctantly. However, at this time, she suddenly took some snacks out from behind her sofa cushions.

Tiffany's eyes widened immediately. She quickly instructed the young paparazzo to help her to clear out all of the snacks hidden in Irene's room.

Irene felt as though she was about to die when she saw Tiffany getting rid of all the snacks that she had hidden in her room.

"You will be attending the press conference for soon. Furthermore, you will also be attending Korea National University's fiftieth anniversary celebration this month. I have already fought for three days of vacation for you from Director Mong and he has already given me his approval. If you continue bingeing and eating like this, you will definitely be chubbier and rounder in half a month. I really wonder how you are going to stand on stage to sing a song for Lisa when your face is as round as a basin then!"

Irene was dumbfounded and speechless after listening to Tiffany's words.

In fact, Irene could not be blamed for this. It all began when she waited for Lisa in front of her university gate for a few days in the past. After that winter, Irene started to dread the cold and every subsequent winter was a nightmare to her. Moreover, it was really very tiring and tedious for her to film because Irene had to film many night scenes. Therefore, she had to stand in the open and endure the cold winter wind for a few hours whenever they had to film a scene. Even the strongest and fittest production crew members could not stand the cold and Director Mong also came down with a cold and fever for a few days because of the cold. At this time, everyone could only rely on Irene to prescribe some traditional Korean medicine to the crew.

"I understand."

The young paparazzo dragged Tiffany to a corner of the room when he saw Irene's frustration. "Sister Tiffany, you cannot blame Sister Irene for eating and gaining some weight. I can tell that she is really afraid of the cold compared to any ordinary person. This could be related to her small and slim physique. Moreover, I do not think that she is fat now. After all, Sister Irene is very tall. You should not be so strict with her."

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