Chapter 363: I am Interacting with Them!

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Irene received a text message from Tiffany when she sat down to take a break after filming her scenes later that evening. "Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I will always remember your kindness."

"Hmph! This is not the first time I am spoiling you anyway," Irene replied aggressively. "As for the film emperor, I have decided to let him off even though he barely passed the exam. However, since I can tell that his feelings for you are genuine, then I shall spare him his life."

"Are you really going to continue asking the netizens to scold you tomorrow?"

"You are wrong! I am not asking or allowing them to scold me. I am merely interacting with them!" Irene replied immediately.

Tiffany could not help but laugh out loud as soon as she saw Irene's reply. "Why do I feel as though you are my agent instead sometimes?"

"I am not going to continue chatting with you anymore. I have to rush back to the hotel to see Lisa."

How much more gratitude did Tiffany want to express to her? Moreover, Irene actually felt that her entire operation was actually very beneficial for herself. For instance, some of the netizens were scolding her relentlessly without giving up, but they started to follow her social media account. Eventually, this led to the netizens viewing the short ancient videos that she had previously filmed before filming Forgotten. Therefore, her entire operation seemed to be a blessing in disguise.

[I am actually impressed with Irene. Her short videos are actually pretty good!]

[Is it okay if I admit that I finished watching the entire because of what Irene posted on her social media account?]

[Should I continue scolding Irene tomorrow or not? (>"<>

Had this group of female fans actually forgotten what they were doing in the first place?

Did they forget their own identities?

Could they remember where they were?

This...was really amazing!


After filming her scenes, Irene returned to her hotel room with her makeup still intact. As soon as she walked through the door, she could see Lisa sitting down with a laptop on her lap. At this moment, Irene did not hesitate to rush over to her immediately.


Lisa hurriedly placed her laptop aside so that it would not be crushed by Irene. After that, she opened her arms to receive her before giving a warm and tight hug.

"I missed you."

"Come down first." Lisa could not stand it because Irene was still wearing her male makeup.

"I don't want to." Irene continue snuggling against Lisa as she buried her face in her chest.

"I did not bring a change of clothes with me," Lisa replied as she looked at Irene with a helpless expression on her face. "I will be flying back to Seoul early in the morning tomorrow."

After listening to Lisa's words, Irene sat up before she replied, "You did not say so earlier."

"Did I even have a chance to say anything at all?"

"Don't worry...I have your clothes nicely packed in my suitcase." Irene said as she continued hugging and touching Lisa. "Lisa, I want to touch..."

So, what Irene missed was her six packs?

She had received so much scolding and insults from the netizens in the last two days but it seemed as though Irene was enjoying it. Irene was probably born to be in the entertainment circle. She was always able to break the rules inherent to the entertainment industry and she always seemed to stand out amongst everyone else. All the media, reporters, fans, and even agencies had no way to stop her at all.

"So, my role now is just to warm the bed for you?" Lisa asked as she frowned. She looked a little unhappy and had a slightly unpleasant expression on her face.

Irene started laughing as soon as she heard Lisa's words. "Well, I am afraid that the answer is yes. So, do you still want to pamper and dote on me then?"

The coming year would be very challenging for Irene because she had to work hard to earn plenty of money and she had to prove her abilities to Grandpa Manoban without depending on anyone else.

As for Lisa, she would have to pay some bills and just warm the bed up for her.

Lisa looked at Irene and she could not bring herself to say that she wanted to pamper her, especially when she looked like a handsome young man at this time. This was because Irene was still wearing the makeup and disguise that she had put on for her role as a young man in the drama. Therefore, Lisa carried Irene up in her arms and brought her into the bathroom to wash up before she told her how much she loved her.

With regards to Irene's question on whether she would pamper and dote on her, she was about to find out the answer soon.

However, it seemed as though the little descendant had not shown her much love and affection lately. All she had been doing was focusing on building up her career!


On the other hand, Irene's efforts and operation proved to work extremely well in calming down the situation involving Yeo Jin-goo and Tiffany. The problem was that this issue seemed to send a message to the public and Yeo Jin-goo's competitors to grab hold of this opportunity to deal with Yeo Jin-goo.

What could be more deadly to Yeo Jin-goo's reputation and career besides declaring his relationship in public?

Being involved in a scandal...

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