Chapter 297: Annoy that Scumbag

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"Alright then. I can never win in an argument with you. Anyway, we will have to travel to the neighboring city for the promotional event for Clinique tomorrow. Remember to get up earlier tomorrow."

"I got it."

The Baetokkis had already heard about Irene's travel plans and they were all going to the airport to send her off.

In fact, Irene rarely had the opportunity to travel out of state for work and therefore, this was a good opportunity for her to meet up with and greet the Baetokkis.

Later that evening, the interview that the reporter held with Irene went viral on the Internet.

[Irene is just pretending to be a humble person. Why is she so pretentious? Is she trying to trick everyone into thinking that she has a good personality?]

[Wow. What is wrong with the person who commented above? What Irene meant is that she simply does not want the public and the media to place their focus on the celebrities and artists. She wants people to pay attention to the people who were truly affected by the natural disaster, as well as the rescue team and fire-fighters who provided aid and relief during the disaster. Is that wrong?]

[I think that there is nothing wrong with Irene's attitude or character. She could have just rejected the interview in the first place.]

[I can tell that Irene really does not like the media and reporters to constantly magnify the little things that the celebrities had done. Moreover, I think that she is being extremely sincere and she is only helping those in need because she really wants to do everything within her power and capability to help them.]

[Irene has a really decent personality.]

[This is not the first time that Irene has tried to shift the focus of the public's attention to the true heroes of the natural disaster. Are these people who are constantly criticizing her blind?]

[Irene had always been like this. I have recently re-acquainted with her and found out that her personality and character is still surprisingly positive despite being an artist.]

Finally, the reporter who interviewed Irene decided to step in and give a conclusion on this matter.

"It was not difficult at all to invite Miss Irene to accept an interview. However, I was really surprised when I met up with this twenty-four-year-old. This is because she made two requests as soon as she saw me. First of all, she requested for me not to blow the matter out of proportion by writing an unnecessarily huge column about the role that the celebrities had played during the rescue and aid mission during the typhoon and flood. Secondly, she requested for me to reduce the number of questions that I had to three simple ones. During the short one or two hours that I spent with her, all that I could see was a sincere and pure soul. Therefore, I hope that everyone will not blacklist and criticize an artist like Irene, who not only has a good heart, but also a good personality. You will be surprised to find out that pure gold is never afraid of fire."

In the end, when the interview was published, the article on the artists was placed in a small column at the corner of the newspapers.

However, this gesture still meant a lot to the public.

This was because, what really mattered to everyone was not the length of the article or the size of the column. Instead, what mattered was what these people had actually done for the public.

Silence is golden.

Yeo Jin-goo, Ji Chang Wook, and Park Jimin also benefited from Irene's high EQ. Even though they had not been personally interviewed, they similarly received countless praise from the public.

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