Chapter 364: Who is the Mastermind Behind this Matter?

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 "Hello everyone. This is the late-night entertainment broadcast channel. We have just received news from one of the media that the film emperor Yeo Jin-goo's brother was involved in a fight a few years back. Five years ago, a man and woman were both seriously injured after a fight in front of a KTV. Yeo Jin-goo had then assisted his brother and helped him escape abroad so that he would not have to pay for the consequences of his action."

"After receiving this news, we sent some reporters over to the victim's house immediately. We managed to secure an interview with the victims and have successfully verified the authenticity of this news. The victims claimed that their family has not received any compensation nor apology from Yeo Jin-goo or his younger brother after the incident. Their lives were completely ruined after the incident and they have been so helpless and miserable ever since then."

"What exactly is the true story behind this incident? One of our reporters has also contacted the entertainment company which Yeo Jin-goo is currently under, but he has already returned to Jeju for the filming of this morning. So far, we have not received any reply from Yeo Jin-goo with regards to this matter..."

The entertainment industry was in an uproar and there was a huge commotion as soon as this news broke out.

This was because Yeo Jin-goo's public declaration of his relationship was completely insignificant in comparison to this scandal.

[I do not believe the news at all! Brother Jin has always been a righteous person with a sense of justice. It is impossible for him to do something like that.]

[I do not believe it either. Even though I am still mad at Brother Jin for his bad taste in women, I know that he is definitely not a bad person!]

[Unless Brother Jin confesses to the crime, then I will never believe that he would harm anyone at all!]

[Yeo Jin-goo's fans are really quite pitiful. First, they had to deal with their idol's relationship with another woman. After that, their idol is once again pulled into another scandal. Moreover, the scandal was exposed directly on entertainment television this time. I am afraid that it is almost impossible for the news to be fake this time.]

[The victims have already stepped forward to confirm the authenticity of this matter. What else is there to think about?]

[Yeo Jin-goo's personality had always been a little frightening. This news is a bit scary...]

[Don't make any assumptions yet...otherwise, you might get hit in the face again.]

[Any male artist who has any form of relationship or connection with Irene never ends up in a good spot.]

[You should be careful when making any comments or judgment. Otherwise, you might really regret the words you speak when the truth is finally revealed.]

[If we find out that the matter is indeed true, then shouldn't Yeo Jin-goo be banned and blacklisted from the entertainment industry?]

[How did he become the film emperor with such a bad personality and character? Even the deities will not be able to save him.]

[I feel so disgusted right now. If I was one of Yeo Jin-goo's fans, I would definitely turn against him and stop supporting him immediately!]

It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night and the waves just kept crashing one after the other. Yeo Jin-goo's agency had to continue working overtime even though they had not even gotten off work yet. The upper management called for an emergency meeting and the vice chairman of the company had also requested for a video conference call with Yeo Jin-goo and the team in order to get a thorough understanding of the entire matter. The agency was not able to come up with any public relations strategy because they had not anticipated this at all.

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