Chapter 293: You Hid It Too Well, Right?

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She has obsessive compulsive disorder, but no matter what, she would never abandon her own wife. The list the descendant had selflessly put her own life at stake to go out to help the people who needed her help. She was already extremely proud of her. So, would this little bit of dirt matter to her?

However, as soon as she thought about her being in danger, the fear of her leaving her for good overwhelmed her and she could feel a tight knot in her chest.

Did she even know how important she was to her?

She was literally making her jump and worry for her every day, even when she was on set recording for her program. What could she do so she would value and cherish her own life more?

Irene continued studying the expression on Lisa's face as she undressed herself.

In fact, she knew exactly what was going through Lisa's mind and what she was worried about.

However, there were certain things that she could not give up and that she would have to continue doing despite knowing that Lisa would be worried because that was basic human nature.

"Lisa, can you stop being upset already? Please?"

Lisa took a deep breath. She did not know how to handle her anymore.

In an attempt to wash all her worries away, Irene hurriedly took a shower and washed off all the dirt and mud on her body before she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a clean bathrobe.

At this time, Lisa immediately took out the hair dryer as she beckoned for Irene to come over to her side.

Irene quickly sat down in Lisa's embrace as she enjoyed the gentle care and love of the woman before her.

"Lisa, I am so exhausted," Irene replied as she leaned back against Lisa's chest.

"Dry your hair before you sleep."

"Just let me close my eyes for a moment. Just one short moment."

It had been an extremely thrilling and exciting day for Irene. As she was running around to save and help the people in need, it had been very tiring for her physically. Therefore, in a matter of a few seconds, Irene had already fallen asleep in Lisa's arms.

Lisa felt very helpless and there was nothing that she could do but to hug the little descendant tightly in her arms as she continued blow drying her hair for her.

As Irene fell into deep sleep, there was an unsettled expression on her face and her brows were knitted tightly together like an old woman as she mumbled, "Lisa...Lisa..."

At this time, Lisa's heart melted immediately.

All the anger and frustration that he had felt disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After putting the hairdryer away, Lisa kissed Irene gently on her lips before she carried her up in her arms and placed her on the big and soft bed.


The other participants and hotel guests who were camping out in the hotel lobby earlier had also returned to their respective bedrooms one after another. Since the rescue team had already arrived at the island to take over and provide the necessary aid to the refugees, they could finally step back and rest after a long and tedious day.

However, Jennie and Tiffany were placed in an extremely awkward situation.

Since they were sharing a room with Irene, their luggage and clothes were all inside the room right now.

"Why don't you knock?"

"You knock instead!"

Both of them exchanged glances with one another and neither dared to knock on the door of the suite.

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