Chapter 399: They were All Geniuses!

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After Irene sat down on the sofa, she started receiving some official inquiries and questions from the interviewer. After all the experience that she had from recording previously, this was a walk in the park for her.

"Irene, Culture Essence is unlike any of the other dramas or variety programs that you have participated in before. What do you think is the biggest difference so far?"

Irene thought carefully for a moment as she held the microphone in her hand. After that, she replied in a careful manner, "Well, all I can think of right now is how good it is that we are able to sit down so comfortably on the sofa to record this!"

The interviewer could not help from laughing as soon as she heard Irene's words. "Don't you think that there is some level of difficulty here?"

"Well, don't ask me that question. If you ask me that question, everything will turn out to be difficult then," Irene replied as she waved her hands. "However, I promise that I will definitely make sure that the audience will get to see a different side of Irene in this variety program."

"Miss Bae, thank you for your cooperation throughout this interview. We are already almost down with the recording today. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question at this time?" the interviewer asked as she turned off her microphone and got up from her sofa.

"What would you like to ask me?"

"Are you...really living in Royal Dragon Villa now?"

At this time, Irene smiled at the interviewer but she did not reply at all. After that, she entered the studio to take some pictures that they could use for the interview before she left the television broadcast station with the young paparazzo.

However, Irene sensed something clearly not right about the surrounding atmosphere at the moment.

"Sister Irene, we had better leave as soon as possible. There are reporters and paparazzi all over the place. It seems as though they really want to verify if you are really living in Royal Dragon Villa," the young paparazzo said when he saw Irene glancing around her. He led Irene to the car and opened the car door for her quickly. "Actually, I think it's okay. We should just let them follow us if they want to. Anyway, they will not be able to follow us into Royal Dragon Villa and they will not know exactly which villa you are staying at. Moreover, I don't think that the paparazzi will dare to loiter around Royal Dragon Villa for too long."

Irene nodded her head after listening to the young paparazzo's suggestion,

He was right!

Furthermore, since Seo In-guk's fans were trying so hard to humiliate her and make life difficult for her every day, then it would be best to resolve this matter once and for all.

Therefore, the reporters and paparazzi followed Irene all the way to Royal Dragon Villa and they were only convinced after they saw her entering the sacred and mysterious place.

Oh my. This was what it really meant to be low-key.

At this time, Seo In-guk's mansion, which was worth more than one hundred million won, suddenly felt like a miserable and broken little building that was fluttering in the rain.

After that, the netizens started leaving their comments again.

[Hahaha. Seo In-guk's mansion is worth no more than Irene's toilet!]

[Am I insane? I actually dared to make fun of someone who has a mansion worth a hundred million won?]

[I guess we will never really understand what is going on in the minds of the wealthy people.]

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