Chapter 259: Your Father is Still Your Father

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 "What is the matter?" Irene could not help but to laugh out loud when she saw the expression on the other party's face. "Are you feeling shy right now?"

"Well...the problem is that Brother Jin is interested in Sister Tiffany. I think that he really likes her but for some unknown reasons, it seems as though Sister Tiffany is very defensive against Brother Jin. Do you know the reason why?" the assistant asked as he leaned against the wall, seemingly afraid that Yeo Jin-goo or Tiffany would find out that he was there.

Irene snorted when she heard the assistant's words because this meant that her assumption was right all along.

"So, did your Brother Jin come all the way here to practice his shooting just because he wants to get closer to Tiffany?"

"Yes! Nowadays, he no longer likes to go to the shooting range that he used to patronize in the past."

Irene chuckled before she started coughing. "Hurry up and go back first. Tiffany is coming back."

The young assistant quickly ran away because he did not want Tiffany or Yeo Jin-goo to know that he had already approached Irene to ask for help.

"Why are you laughing all by yourself?" Tiffany asked after returning from the bathroom because she saw Irene smiling and laughing to herself. "Don't tell me...did that film emperor come over to talk to you while I was away?"

"Do you really think that he is so free?" Irene asked as she laughed even louder.

"What is wrong with you then? Have you forgotten to take your medication today?"

"Nevermind, it is already late. Time for us to leave now!" Irene replied as she finished reloading and firing her last few bullets. After she was done packing up, she looked at Tiffany before she said, "You should stop being so suspicious of everything and everyone's intentions all the time. Perhaps you should just open up your heart to discover the beautiful things that are happening around you."

"Yes, yes. You are trying to make me jealous by telling me how wonderful your love life is every day. How could I not be contented?" Tiffany replied as she followed closely behind Irene because she wanted to protect her from Yeo Jin-goo who was nearby.

"Well...what if there was an opportunity for you to be in a sweet and romantic relationship? Would you take it?"

"No way! Where on earth would I find time for a relationship?"

Irene felt that Tiffany was very stubborn.

However, as far as Irene knew, Yeo Jin-goo had a very good reputation in the entertainment industry. Moreover, even though he had already been active for so many years, he had never once been involved in any scandals or gossip. Even though Kim Yoo-jung had persistently gone after him for so many years, he had never once caved in or given her a chance to get closer to him. This proved that Yeo Jin-goo was a person of high integrity and respect for himself and the people around him.

Although he was interested in Tiffany, he did not use his status as the film emperor to negotiate or put pressure on Tiffany. Instead, he was extremely clumsy and silly in the ways he tried to get closer to Tiffany. This proved that he was not arrogant and he respected everyone else equally. Most of the men in the entertainment industry, especially someone of Yeo Jin-goo's caliber, would definitely be able to easily win over the hearts of any women they wanted.

Looking at Yeo Jin-goo's innocence and clumsiness, Irene felt that he deserved to be given a chance to go after Tiffany even though she would still conduct a thorough check on his background.

"Tiffany, please help me to deliver some tea leaves over to Brother Jin later. We are going to start filming soon and I might require his guidance and help when that time comes," Irene suddenly instructed Tiffany after both of them had gotten into the car.

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