Chapter 361: They Do Not Want to Scold Her Anymore Tomorrow?

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However, Irene did it for her regardless of the consequences.

"Sister Tiffany, you might think that Sister Irene is acting foolishly but she is in fact the smartest one here. She only did this so the female fans will get bored after scolding her and venting their frustrations for a few days. Things will pass by quickly then. So, you really do not need to feel so guilty at all," the young paparazzo continued assuring Tiffany in the same manner that Irene would have.

However, Tiffany insisted on leaving anyway.

"Sister Tiffany, just let Sister Irene protect and defend you this time. If you leave now, all her efforts would have been in vain. You are not wrong for falling in love. It is only a little more complicated because you are in love with the film emperor."

Tiffany held back her tears as the young paparazzo spoke. As Irene had already predicted, the netizens were in fact attacking the weakest and most inferior part of Tiffany's heart right now.

However, after learning of the sacrifices that Irene had made for her, Tiffany realized that she did not have to be held back by her own weakness.


Yeo Jin-goo's fans continued scolding Irene all the way till night time and they eventually found out that this was Irene's plan all along. She wanted to draw their attention just so that she could break their focus and shift their attention away from Yeo Jin-goo and Tiffany.

[That b*tch Irene! She is really very cunning. She is deliberately diverting our firepower away from Yeo Jin-goo and Tiffany so that both of them can continue with their scandalous relationship!]

[Irene, you are so annoying! I will not continue scolding you anymore tonight! You are just so hateful!]

[Yeo Jin-goo, are you still a man?]

[We will revert our attention back to Tiffany tomorrow! Shall we continue the topic on Irene's agent tomorrow?]

[I will scold both the master and servant tomorrow!]

[No! I will not fall for Irene's trap tomorrow.]

[To be honest, I was having a lot of fun scolding Irene today!]

Irene could not help but laugh out loud as soon as she read all the comments by Yeo Jin-goo's female fans. Were they trying to play games with her?

They do not want to scold her anymore tomorrow?

Well, Empress Bae would definitely think of another way to continue attracting their attention and diverting their fire to her tomorrow.

After all, Irene was already used to life in the entertainment circle. So, who was afraid of who?

Later that night, Irene received an incoming video call from Lisa.

Irene tidied herself up a little and made sure that she looked fine before she answered his call. "Lisa..."

Lisa could not believe that Irene could still laugh so happily. She had already learned of everything that was circulating online from Secretary Oh. Irene had already received more than 600,000 hate comments within a span of a few hours from afternoon to night today. Was Irene really trying to set a new world record?

"You are still so happy even after getting scolded?"

"Of course I am happy! I was able to protect my friend," Irene replied as she tilted her head and smiled sweetly at Lisa. "Lisa, I am really very happy that I could be of help to Tiffany."

Silly girl.

Lisa pondered silently to herself about how the little descendant would always sacrifice herself and be willing to do anything for anyone she loved.

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