Chapter 342: Can I Control You?

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 "Besides this matter, haven't we already given in to you in all that you want to do?" Loey asked Irene as he stood up from the sofa. He patted Irene's head before he continued, "Aren't you asking for too much?"

"Can you just allow me to do things my way one more time, then? If neither of you are satisfied with the way that I am going to handle this issue, then I promise that I will leave this matter in your hands and I will not complain in any way. I swear," Irene replied as she raised her hand.

Tiffany had to control herself and hold back her laughter when she saw Irene raising her hand.

Sometimes, it could be really overwhelming to have two strong headed persons in the family.

Loey could not make a decision. Therefore, he turned his attention onto Lisa before he asked, "What is your opinion on this?"

Lisa unexpectedly replied with a simple sentence. "You can deal with the matter in your own way and I will deal with it in mine. This way, there will be no conflicts between us."

As soon as Irene heard Lisa's words, she threw herself onto Lisa's body before she said, "Lisa, you are the best!"

"What about me? Do I mean nothing to you at all? So, everything has changed since you became Mrs. Manoban? Are you saying that I was meddling in your business when I came here in the middle of the night as soon as I heard what happened to you?"

"I know that it must have been very tiring for my precious brother to come over in the middle of the night. Therefore, I have already asked CL to cook some soup that can eliminate heatiness for you. I will go to the kitchen to get you a bowl of soup now. Otherwise, would you like to hit me twice instead?" Irene quickly comforted Loey before she placed her palms in front of him.

"Forget it," Loey replied as he pushed Irene's hand away. "Since Lisa has already made her stand clear, then I will just leave after drinking the soup."

"Okay then..." Irene hurried into the kitchen to get the bowl of soup for her brother. After serving the soup to him, Irene could not help but say, " should also think about yourself sometimes. How can you find a sister-in-law for me if you are always worried about me and putting me in the first place? You are already a grown up man but you are still so controlling towards your own sister."

"Can I control you?"

Impossible! She could not be controlled.

After seeing Loey off, Irene instructed Tiffany immediately, "Please help me to apply for one more day off from Director Mong. You have already witnessed the scene earlier. If I do not try to handle this matter on my own, these two people will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it."

"I got it," Tiffany replied before she followed after Loey's footsteps and left Royal Dragon Villa.

"Wow...there is finally peace in the house." When Irene saw that everyone had already left, she sat down beside Lisa immediately. "Lisa, the song that I wrote for you...would you like me to sing it again? This time, I will only sing it to you alone."

Lisa caressed Irene's ear gently before he replied, "Yes."

Irene chuckled before she started singing out loud:

The fireworks in my heart never seemed to fade away;

I want extravagance but it seemed as though my dreams were all destroyed, I want happiness but the future seemed so far away;

It was only until you finally showed up, that the flame in my heart was ignited;

It was really noisy at the event hall earlier and Lisa was seated too far away from the stage. Therefore, even though she was placing all of her focus and attention on Irene, she could not fully understand the lyrics of the song. But now...

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