Chapter 278: Give Her Our VIP Service

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 "Director Jung has just called me to inform me that Jin-hee has already requested for her employment contract to be terminated immediately."

"There is still hope for her since she knows how to retreat," Irene replied indifferently without paying too much attention to Tiffany.

"What do you intend to do about Hani? After all, she is still your senior in Ace Media. Therefore, it would not be possible for you to call her out to Director Jung's office like what you did to Jin-hee. Do you have any detailed plan in mind?" Tiffany asked Irene as she continued looking at her cell phone.

"Didn't my brother sent pictures of Hani spending the night with the gold sponsor to the gold sponsor's wife? Why? Didn't she respond at all?"

"I believe that the matter was already resolved domestically. Otherwise, Hani would not dare to be so reckless anyway," Tiffany replied. Loey had already arranged for the photographs to be sent to the gold sponsor's wife a few days ago but until today, there was no response from the gold sponsor's wife at all. "I guess that the gold sponsor's wife and mistresses already know about each other's existence. This only proves that this man is really powerful..."

"If the gold sponsor's wife refuses to respond, then what about her family? How do you think they would react to this matter?" Irene asked as she looked at Tiffany. "Do you know that people like Jin-hee need a slap to their face quickly and accurately so that they will realize that they are no match for you? However, we have to deal with people like Hani in a completely different manner. For someone like Hani, we need the element of surprise so that we can deal with her and really teach her a lesson. I believe that some of the gold sponsor's mistresses might have already tried dealing with her using a similar manner. Therefore, this would not come as a shock to her anymore. We need to do something much more exciting..."

"That makes sense," Tiffany replied as she nodded. "Then, let's give her our VIP service...who gave her the courage to mess with our Irene?"

"Please. So, have you done your research yet?" Irene suddenly turned around and questioned Tiffany. "Or...are you still going to cast the film emperor aside? He is really very pitiful and miserable..."

Tiffany blushed immediately before she replied, "Can we not talk about him?"

"If you are reacting in this manner, then..." Irene could not help but laughed as she raised her eyebrows at Tiffany. "So, what are you feeling right now?"

"I...I will call your brother now and ask him to conduct a more thorough investigation into Hani's gold sponsor," Tiffany stuttered as she was caught off guard.

This was because she did log into her social media account and browse through Yeo Jin-goo's social media account when she was bored two days ago. She also saw all of Yeo Jin-goo's previous posts, which were supposedly targeted at her. How was she supposed to know that?

"Tiffany, just tell me the truth. Do you really...not intend to be with someone from the entertainment circle? Is that your conviction?"

Tiffany was speechless as she looked at Irene because she did not know how to answer her question. At this time, Irene already knew the answer.


"It's okay, you don't need to answer me. You know what you are doing."

Tiffany's hesitance to give an answer meant that the film emperor still had a chance.

The corners of Irene's mouth curved into a smile and she secretly cheered in her heart for the film emperor.

After that, Irene took the opportunity to send a text message to Yeo Jin-goo's personal assistant, informing him to persuade Yeo Jin-goo to go after Tiffany without giving up!

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