Chapter 15

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Title: Surprise

Juvia's POV...

I  was walking in the beach to unwind and the sight was beautiful sunrise. I am all alone here and I guess I'm fine with it. Besides, being alone here is also helping me to unwind. I dripped my feet on the water. It was cold but soothing. That's why I bought this resort, and the old owner of this is already dead. So me and Meredy are the only ones who knows this place. Then I walked back to my cottage. I walked in and opened the fridge to find any food but the fridge was empty. Oh shoot! I forgot! I don't have any food here. I guess, I need to buy food.
I sighed then walked out of the cottage. I brought the keys of the resort with me. Then I headed out of the resort, wearing my disguise outfit. I wore a black wig, black shades, black jeans with black jacket and a pair of black converse, and I also wore a cap together with the hoodie. Then I walked 3 streets away from the resort and grab a cab.

I was buying in the grocery when I noticed that someone was keeping eye on me. Nah. Maybe I was just paranoid. But then again, I feel that someone was watching my every move. I looked around and then I saw a guy wearing a black sunglasses looking at me and when he noticed that I was looking at him, he looked away. I feel nervous. What if they're Gray's enemy and wants to kidnap me and to be a bait for him? What if they kill me? Then I grabbed the things I need faster and went to the cashier. I payed the bill then headed out of the grocery store quickly. I was waiting for a cab to come but there  was none. I then loo kedback and there I saw a group if men was looking intently at me. Then finally a cab stopped so I hopped in.

It took me 4 hours from grocery and 2 hours from the ride. Because the driver of the cab was driving so slow like a slowpoke. Then I walked towards the resort. I finally reached my destination but something was wrong. The gates was opened and the lock was ruined. I get nervous. I then walked in slowly and I saw footprints on the sand. It wasn't my footprint I know that. Then I grabbed a wood for my defense. Then when I walked in further, there was petals of rosea spreaded on the sand like a pathway. I got curioused so I walked further. Maybe a couple found this resort and decided to date in here, not even asking for my permission, but if there really is, then how did they found out this place? And it was nightime already and there I saw a round table clothed with a white fabric. And there's a two chairs across the table. And there's a flower on the table. I then went nearer the table and saw a blue sticky note. Before I could even read it, a music was played. I looked around and the lights was lithened. A band was playing a song entitled: Treat you better by Shawn Mendez.

Then I was about to ask the band on how they reached this place when suddenly, I heard his voice. I looked at the back and there I saw Gray, holding a boquet of blue roses. He went near me. He was about to talk when I interrupted him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

"Juvia, I know what I said yesterday was wrong...Very wrong. And I admit, I was such a jerk to said those words on you. And for judging you suddenly not even knowing first what really happened. I was just really mad that time when I saw you hugging with him. I feel like I wanna kill him right there and take you away from hIm. Anger ate me then poof! I said those words to you. I didn't mean to do that to YOu. And now I'm here to apologize. I'm very sorry Juvia from what I have done to you. And I hope you accept my apology..." He said sincerely.

He handed me a the blue boquet of roses. For a normal girl, she would accept his apolgy easily. But because I am one of a kind, I just turn my back on him.

"You're just wasting your time. Go home 'cause I'm not going with you." I said coldly.

I was about to walk away when suddenly, he grabbed my wrist. I faced him with a poker face.

"What do you want me to do for you to forgive me?" Gray asked.

Then a idea popped in my mind.

"Are you sure you will do anything for me to forgive you?" I asked while smirking.

"Yes I will." He said.

Then I created a perfect plan for him. If he wants my forgiveness then he should work hard for it. It's payback time, Gray.


A/N: Sorry for the late update. And sorry if it's kinda or boring. My mind is just reaLly preoccupied. And sorry for the typographical error And also the grammars. Thanks for patiently waiting for my slow updates. Thanks for reading!

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