Chapter 131

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3rd Person's POV...

Juvia was getting pissed because the cashier flirted her boyfriend.


Gray and Juvia was finally on the counter and they were putting their grocery to be bought. Juvia noticed that the cashier keeps on looking at Gray and he didn't noticed  it because he was talking or looking at Juvia.

"It's 2,000 jewels sir." The cashier said flirtly.

Juvia huffed secretely and rolled her eyes. Gray was about to hand the bill when...

"You could also put your number sir for 50% discount." The cashier said.

Juvia gasped in disbelief because she knows that giving your number won't give you a discount.

"Excuse me, don't give us that reason to get my boyfriend's number. He's not single anymore so you better flirt other man." Juvia said.

The cashier just looked down in embarrassment. Juvia rolled her eyes on the cashier and get their grocery.

"Juvia, let me carry it for you." Gray said.

"No." Juvia said.

"Please?" Gray begged.

"I said no! Just go and flirt some bitches there." Juvia said.

Juvia was annoyed to Gray 'cause he let those flirty girls to flirt him in front of Juvia's face.

End of Flashback...

They were heading to the parking lot and Juvia was still pissed. She was the one carrying the bags while Gray keeps on bugging her that he'll carry it for her. But Juvia keeps on refusing. Juvia saw two ladies, that was looking at them. Not at them really because the ladies was looking at Gray. Juvia rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Then the ladies went near her and tried to talk to her.

"Um...hi Miss." The lady said.

"What do you want?" Juvia asked.

Juvia didn't stopped walking while they were talking.

"Can we please know you're boss name? You're his maid right?" The lady asked.

Juvia stopped and looked at the lady, offended.

"Excuse me, do I look like his maid?" Juvia asked, really insulted.

"Yes since you're carrying the things that he bought." The lady said.

Juvia popped a vain and looked at the bags she was carrying. She gripped on it tightly since she's really pissed and insulted. Well, who wouldn't?

"Juvia, are you alright? Who are these ladies?" Gray asked.

Juvia looked at him, pissed. Because she was pissed and insulted, she handed the bags to Gray harshly. Gray get it. Juvia looked at the ladies.

"First of all you dipshit sluts, I'm not his maid! Second, I am his girlfriend so stop flirting him in front of my face! Third, don't you dare try to flirt him if you still want to live! Do you understand?!" Juvia growled at the ladies.

Juvia didn't waited for their reply and she went in the car. Juvia screamed in annoyance. She punched the dashboard several times that made her knuckles to bleed. Juvia's annoyance grew more when she saw Gray, talking to the ladies she growled earlier. She hit the dashboard again.

Gray was taken aback from Juvia's outburst and he was shocked from what the ladies think of her. He looked at the ladies in anger.

"Why the hell did you thought of my girl in that way?!" Gray growled at them.

The ladies was taken aback from what Gray said.

"Don't you ever do that to her again or else I will kill you all! Don't flirt me because that will have no effect on me. Because I love that girl more than anything in this world. I'll just be annoyed to you sluts. So fvck off you bitch." Gray said.

The ladies was badly offended from what Gray said. Gray walked out from the scene and went in tne car.

"Hey, Juvia..." Gray said.

But she just answered him with a sigh. Gray tried to touch her hand but she quickly jacked his hands off.

"Don't you dare touch me." Juvia said.

Gray sighed and his eyes landed on her hands. He noticed that it was bleeding.

"Juvia, you're hand is bleeding! What happened?!" Gray asked worriedly.

Juvia just sighed. She didn't even bothered to look at him.

"You don't care." Juvia said.

Gray gasped.

"Of course I care about you. You're my girlfriend and I love you. I don't want to see anything bad happen to you." Gray said worriedly.

Juvia looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Then why did you let those bitches to flirt you in front of my face?! I'm you're girl so you should know what would I feel about that! If you love me, you wouldn't let them flirt you!" Juvia said.

Gray touched her hand but she pulled it away.

"Look Juvia, I didn't know that they're flirting me. I thought they are just trying to be friendly. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm sorry." Gray said.

Juvia just looked away and crossed her arms. Gray sighed and went closer to her.

"I'm sorry...Please, just let me treat your wound." Gray said.

"No." Juvia said sternly.

"It's bleeding Juvia. And I know that it hurt so please, just let me atleast do that for you." Gray said.

"No." Juvia said.

"Please..." Gray begged.

"I said no! Can't you understand that?!" Juvia said.

"I can't just sit here and watch while you get hurt! It pains me a lot, seeing you like this. Seeing you get hurt because of me. Seeing you bear the pain alone. Making you feel this please." Gray said.

Juvia looked at him for awhile then she looked away again.

"Do whatever you want." Juvia said.

Gray sighed in relief. Gray get the first aid kit and treated her wound. When Juvia whinced, he would stop and looked at her in worry and kiss her hand. It was really sweet of him and she feels guilty for making Gray feel this way. When Gray was done, he then drive home. It was silent the whole ride.

They finally got home and Gray opened the door for her. He also carried the paper bags because her hands are injured and that he's a man so he needs to be a gentleman.

They went in the house only to be greeted by their son, Jay. Gray headed to the kitchen and placed the groceries in where they should be. Juvia was still not talking to him that makes him upset. But 20% of his heart feela joy because Juvia's jealous that really shows how she loves him.

[A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks!♥]

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