Chapter 148

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Juvia's POV...

I woke up by the movements I feel on my bed. At first I shrugged it off because I was still too sleepy to check that out. Maybe that was just my imagination.

'Hey Juvia, wake up'

Someone said. I didn't recognized it at first but I'm sure that, that person is a girl.

'Oh come on. Don't be a sleepyhead now'

'She's too tired from last night and she's not used to being up until midnight'

'Past midnight'

'But still, she should be up already'

'Girls calm down, I know ya'll are excited but atleast wake her up properly'

It's getting to noisy in my room so I decided to open my eyes. I saw the girls standing, and they suddenly looked at me and smiled.

"Ya'll girls are being're disturbing my slumber..." I said grumpily as I cover my head with my pillow.

"Such grumpiness you inherited from Gray huh." Wendy snickered.

"Oh come on...why are you girls here?" I asked.

"Well, Ms. Lockser who's soon to be Mrs. Fullbuster, we just want to inform you that your wedding date is today. You might be forgetting that." Mira said.

I feel like I was splashed with a cold water that I immidiately stood up and looked at them in panic.

"Am I already late?" I asked.

"That's what you get from too much sleep." Lucy said and shook her haid.

"It's still early and you still have a lot of time to prepare-well not that much but still enough time to prepare." Levy said and smiled.

"Oh God...I thought I was already late." I sighed in relief.

The girls giggled in my reaction and Erza tapped me on the shoulder.

"We just came here to wake you up and...also to have a talk with you for we know that it would still be too long for us to talk like this since you're already getting married and we're sure that you'll be busy with your family." Erza said.

I smiled at them. They smiled back. I'm just greatful to have them with me.

"That's thoughtful of you girls. I'm so touched." I said as I gave them a group hug.

They all giggled so am I. We sat down on the couch and talked about girl's stuff. A maid also prepared my breakfast and it was Gray who ordered her to do so. Gosh that guy is troubling others just for this. I appreciate the thought though.

"I wish you all the best in your wedding Juvia." Meredy said.

"Thank you Meredy."

"Well all of us wishes that too. Things will get better now...well atleast I hope." Mira said.

"Don't worry about that girls. For now let's just enjoy all of this." I said.

Then a knock disturbed us. I opened the door and they were my stylist who were outside. They all flashed a smile on me so do I.

"We'll prepare now. We'll just visit you here later once we're done, alright?" Erza said.

"Okay." I said.

The girls went out of my room and I let my stylists get in my room. Gosh. I felt nervous just now. It feels like I'll be marrying for the first time. I went in the bathroom and took a shower. Once I was done, I wrapped myself up with my bathrobe then I sat down on a chair and faced the mirror with bulbs on it's surrounding. They started drying my hair. Once it was already dry, they started fixing my hair while the others work on my face. Then another one came in my room, carrying my gown. Another knock then the girls went in my room. They all look gorgeous. Well all of them are already gorgeous but more this time.

"You really are beautiful Juvia. No doubt." Meredy said.

"Well she's really beautiful without make ups on but she's more beautiful this time." Mira said.

"More like a Goddess." Erza said.

I can't help but to blush on their compliments. Well, they always compliment me but I really can't get used to it and I don't even know why. It makes me blush. I'm thankful in their compliments though.

"Same with you girls." I said and gave them my sweetest smile.

"That's why I like complimenting Juvia because she gives it back. That's our girl." Wendy joked.

I giggled, they all did.

"Gray's girl you mean." Mira corrected.

"Oh...right. That beast might get jealous of us." Erza said.

I blushed once more. Gray's girl... I like that. I smiled from the thought.

"Not just Gray's gal but soon to be wife. Let's stop using that soon to be since that soon to be will happen today. She is Gray's wife." Levy said.

Gray's wife...That's I love the most.

Once the stylist was done, I wore my wedding dress and they helped me with it. Once I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled... Mrs. Fullbuster it is...

Gray's POV...

"Oh look how nervous he is." Jellal said and they all laughed.

"The beast turned into a lost sheep in his wedding day." Gajeel teased and they all laughed.

"I swear I'm going to laugh at you guys once you get in my position." I said.

These guys are really a pain. They're making me more nervous. It feels like this is the first time though it's not but still...

"He lost his voice too. Calm down man, you're too tensed up." Laxus said and chuckled.

"How am I even suppose to do that?" I said

"Stop thinking the reason that's making you nervous." Jellal said simply.

I rolled my eyes on him. Like heck it's that simple.

"You know, you should stop walking back and forth. Just sit down here and relax." Natsu said.

"You know it's your special day and you should be excited not nervous." Romeo said.

"Well I am excited...I'm just nervous of what might happen...what if she run away because she changed her mind? What is she back out?" I asked.

"You're such a bullshit. Getting worried over nothing. Juvia's not going to do that and you should keep that in mind. You asshole. Keep in mind the reason why she said yes to your proposal you jerk." Gajeel said.

"That's too much cursing." Romeo said and chuckled.

"Get used to it man." Gajeel said simply.

He's right. I'm just overthinking things. I sighed as I calm down. I wonder what she's doing now. Maybe she's still preparing. I can already imagine her in that gown we bought. She looked so perfect in it...I'm just so lucky to be her man. She's officially mine. Make my family with her is the best thing ever to happen. She's Mrs. Fullbuster now...I smiled from that thought.

"You're smiling like an idiot." Gajeel mocked me.

"Oh shut up and go get a life." I said.

"I already have a life. A wife with one kid." Gajeel said.

"Anyway, let's go now." Jellal said.

We all went out and headed to the church. This is it. The time I've been waiting for, finally came. I hope things will turn out well as what we planned. This would be the best day ever of my life including Jay's birth day.


Sorry if it looked like it was rushed...I'm bothered that this chapter is boring??? Just let me know readers properly and I would really really appreciate it. Don't hesitate to comment. Oh and I read this book and I got a headache reading those typos.Lol. Good thing you readers survived that. I'll fix it as soon as I finish this book. Please bear with me for a little more. Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks. Thank you.

P.s I just wrote this today nonstop that why it looks rushed and I am sorry about that


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