Chapter 48

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Juvia's POV...

Gosh. It's been 1 year already since the day we got married. So it just means that me and Gray would have our anniversary. And you know what's the day? February 14 and it's just months away and I'm so excited already! But,what present could I give to him in our anniversary? Gosh! It's quite hard. Anyway, I'm currently here in the playroom of the mansion with Baby Carla. I'm just joining her play here because she might have an accident so I need to keep an eye on her.

"Aunt Juvia, what will you do if Uncle Gray would cheat on you?" Baby Carla suddenly asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

I was just too shock that Baby Carla would ask something like that. It's just too mature for her to even know that.

"Like, Uncle Gray goes to work then he's with his mistress while your gone." Baby Carla said.

I almost got choked on my own saliva. Gosh, why is she asking something like that?

"I would probably be hurt and ask him why did he do that? Then, ask for time to heal the wound he left in my heart. Well, it depends in the situation though. Why did you even asked that kind of thing?" I said.

"Nothing. I just wanna know what you will do if he would even do that." Baby Carla said.

She speaks like a matured lady. That's kinda cool, but it's just too early for her. She's too young for all of these. She was playing with her doll and I too, but suddenly she stopped and looked at me with teary eyes. I kinda panicked.

"Why are you crying? What happened? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked worriedly.

"How does it feel to have a mother? 'Cause I don't have any idea anymore." She said.

I pulled her close to me and hugged her gently.

"Mother's love is the greatest thing you'll ever recieve in your life. She will love you no matter what mistakes you did, she will still accept you." I explained.

"I'm jealous about that. I wish mom is with me. Loving and taking care of me. But what can I do? She passed away already. I can't resurect her from the dead. I wish I felt my mom's love." She said and cried.

"Shhh...You want to feel mother's love?" I asked.

She nodded and I gave her a sweet smile.

"I can be your alternate mother if you want. I'm not asking you to forget your mom. I will never replace her in your heart and I know I can't. I will make you feel a mother's love, don't worry. I will love you like you're my own daughter." I said.

"Okay. Thanks for helping me Aunt Juvia. I just get jealous whenever I saw a complete family in our school. I feel that something's missing in my life." She said.

"Then I will try my very best to make you feel that you're whole." I said.

"Thanks a lot Aunt Juvia. Thanks for being there for me and making me feel loved and complete." She said.

"You're always welcome sweetie." I said.

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. How I wish to have a daughter like Baby Carla.

[A/N: Sorry readers if this is so short. I'll just make the next chapter long. Thanks for reading!♥]

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