Chapter 23

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Juvia's POV...

Where am I? I opened my eyes and I noticed that I was sitting on the sand. I sighed. I get up and I also noticed that I was wearing a white dress up to my knees. This place looks like a paradise. I want to stay here forever. I was walking when suddenly, I bumped into someone.

"Gommenasai!" The kid apologized.

My eyes widened in shock.

"A-asuka..." I said.

She looked up and smiled at me.

"Ohayo Juvia-nii!" She said cheerfully.

I hugged her. I missed her so much.

"Asuka...I missed you so much." I cried.

"Eh? Juvia-nii, why are you crying?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just missed you so much..." I said.

"Juvia-nii, don't cry. I'm always with you." Asuka said and smiled.

"Yes. And we will be together forever now. I'll stay with you." I said to her and smiled.

She frowned. She hold my face gently and sighed.

"Juvia-nii, You can't stay with me here. I don't want to be with you yet. It's too early for you to stay here. It's not yet the time. You have to live your own life." Asuka said and smiled.

"But I will not leave you here." I insisted.

"No, not yet. You should leave and be with the one you love. You love Gray-san right? Do you want to leave him?" Asuka asked

I shook my head

"But how about you?" I asked.

"I'll be fine here. You should go and accept who ever he is." She said.

"Hai." I said and smiled.

"Goodbye for now." Asuka said.

Then suddenly she disappeared. Everything went black.

It was just a dream?

"What will you do now if she decided to leave you?" Someone said.

"I still don't know." Someone said.

That voice. It's so familliar. I opened my eyes slight and I saw them, standing beside the bed. But what caught my eyes is the guy who's holding my hand. It was...

"Gray..." I managed to speak.

He looked at me and his eye's widened.

"Call the do---"

I hold his wrist and that made him stop. The gang was just watching.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Someone shoot you and the bullet hit your back." He explained.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Almost 1 month." He said.

I tried to get up but my back was still in pain. So he helped me up.

"Um...we'll leave you two alone." Lucy said.

Gray nodded and the gang leave.

"You know who I am now right? I accept your decision if you will---"

"What are you? Who are you? What is your proffession?" I asked.

"I'm a Mafia Boss." He said.

I breath in to stop the tears that will fall.

"I understand..." I said.

I really do. I know that feeling. And i hate it. It hurts like hell.

"You can leave me if you want." He said.

I don't want to leave him and I never will. How could I leave him if I already love him? It's just too late. I hold his face gently.

"Why would I leave you? Because of that crap? The hell I care! I will never leave you. You know why? Because you're important to me. And I can't leave behind the ones who is important to me." I said and smiled at him.

He looked at me and smiled. Then we hugged each other. Here we go again. Entering the Mafia Organization. Maybe, I can never ran away from it. This is me.

I was finally discharged and then we got home. When we entered the mansion, confetti scattered on the ground and balloons. I was also surprised when I saw Gajeel, levy, and Lily.

"Welcome home Juvia!!" They all said in unison.

"Wow. You don't need to do this. But I appreciated ot anyways." I said.

I hugged them all. After that, I sat down on the couch because my back still hurts. You know that feeling like, there's a knife that is stabbed at your back that can't be removed? That's what I'm feeling right now. Gray sat down beside me.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"Um...A little but I can manage. It's just a stab. Nothing to worry about." I said and smiled.

Then suddenly, he hugged me gently.

"U-uh...Gray...?" I asked.

"Thank you...Thank you for staying..." He said.

"Uh...You're welcome?" I said unsurely.

Oh my gosh readers. I'm blushing right now and I feel a hundred butterlies in my stomach. Thanks for the moment because he's hugging me and that means, he can't see me.

"Awwe. How sweet!" Mom said.

"Whatever." Wendy said bitterly.

She's bitter because she has no lovelife.

"Hey wendy! Don't be jealous! You'll have one too in the near future. And I'm sure, yous husband would be very unlucky to have you!" Romeo said and laughed.

"Whatever! Just shut up!" Wendy said and rolled her eyes on him.

Oh, i see a future in these two. I smirked mentally. Then the party goes on. I really did a right decision. Staying with him will really make me happy.

[A/N: YO! You think they would confess to each other right? Well if not then, shing! Anyways, thanks for reading! And have a very nice day!]

~Author-san love you all!

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now