Chapter 77

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Juvia's POV...


I was still sleeping when I felt that someone was poking me. I jacked who ever's hand it is away from my face. Then it poked again.

"Go away...I'm sleeping..." I said lazily.

"Wake up now!" He said.

I opened my eyes and I saw him in front of me smiling. I also smiled at him.

"Good morning honey." I said.

"Ohayo!" He said.

I pulled him into a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheeks.

"Where have you been?" I asked ans sit up.

"Uh...I just went to the..." He trailed off.

"Went where?" I asked.

"Went to with pops." He said.

"What?! Why did you go there?! You're too young to go in that kind of place." I said.

"Well pops bring me there." He said.

"That guy..." I said.

I quickly stood up and held his hand and we went downstairs.

"Where's your pops?" I asked.

"He's in the kitchen." He said.

We went to the kitchen and I saw him baking. Wearing my apron and he was topless. I sighed. I let go of My darling first and I went near him and pinched his ears. He hissed in pain.

"Ouch wait Juvia!" He said.

"You are really such an idiot! Why did you brought Jay in the bar?! You know that he's still young for that kind of place." I said.

"Well, I just brought him there because Natsu wants to see the kid and since he's busy in his bar, I just brought the kid there. But promise, there was nothing inside that could you know." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Don't you ever do that again or I will kick your happiness." I said.

Then he quickly covered his downstairs.

"I promise." He said nervously.

"Good." I said.

I then felt someone hugged my legs and I saw it was Jay. I carried him and hugged him back.

"I'm sorry mom. I promise I won't do it again." He said cutely.

"Promise?" I said.

"I promise. So please don't be mad at pops again." He said.

"He should be sorry first." I said.

I know He heard it so he went closer to us and hugged us.

"I'm sorry Juvia. I promise I won't do it again." He said.

Trying to be like Jay. I slapped his head playfully.

"Shut up. You're ugly to be like Jay." I said.

"Me? Ugly? Ha! For all I know, you just want to have a kiss from me but sorry to say this Juvia, you can't have a kiss from me. Gosh. It's really hard to be handsome." He said.

I rolled my eyes on him and left him there.

"Handsome your face." I said.

"What? I'm handsome, right Jay?" He said.

"Yes you're handsome. You are more handsome like a monkey." He said.

"Mean." He mumbled.

"Truth really hurts." Jay said.

I just laughed at them. I put Jay down and continued what he was baking.

"So, how's work?" He asked.

"Always thesame. Pose here pose there endless pose happening." I said.

"But that's what you want. To be a knowned famous model." He said.

"Yeah. I enjoy doing it." I said.

"So, when's the next release of the fashion magazine?" He asked.

"This May. Why did you even asked? You pervert." I said.

"Only when it comes to you. But I hate seeing other guys staring at the magazine with your photo in bikini or in other daring clothes." He said.

"Don't be such a jelly man." I said.

"I can't help it." He said.

"Anyways, did my Oldman came here?" I asked.

"Well yeah. But he left because you were still sleeping and he doesn't want to disturb your slumber." He said.

"Oh..." I said.

Then suddenly, he hugged me from behind and he kissed me on my cheek.

"I love you Juvia." He said.

"I love you too..."


[A/N: Plot twist! I bet you thought that Gray was the one that talks to Juvia, huh? Did I surprised you? I hope for your feedbacks. Thanks for reading!♥]

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