Chapter 64

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Juvia's POV...

"Gray needs to know that I am pregnant." I said.

"Oh god, here we go again." Gajeel said.

"What's wrong about it?! Gray is the father of the baby so he needs to know because maybe, he might come back to me." I said.

Levy gasped in disbelief and Gajeel's eyes widened. Then I just felt that my cheek was stinging. A hand landed on my cheek. A tear escaped my eyes.

"Wake up Juvia! Can't you really realize that Gray can't accept who you are?!" Levy cried.

I looked at her while tears are also streaming down my face.

"Can't you see that whatever explanation you do, he will not listen because all he thinks about is himself and so do you! You always think just yourself! You never care about the people around you! Who cares for you! And now, you would make the baby as the reason for Gray to stand beside you?! Are you stupid?! Can you live the fact that Gray is only beside you because he have a responsobility for your baby?! Juvia, please wake up damn it! Wake up from your fantasize! He can't accept you and he will never go back to you! This is reality Juvia! Just live on it!" Levy said to me.

She's right. This is reality and I can never change it. I already lost him. So what's the point on chasing after him? He already said that he doesn't love me. He didn't loved me while I, loved him so much and give him everything I have. My dignity,my pride, my love, but because of the mistake I did, he just threw it all away. And now I think that I could use the baby as the reason for Gray to stay. I'm such a bad person. I'm such a bad mother.

"I'm sorry..." I cried.

I covered my face using my hands. She then hugged me.

"You don't need to be sorry to us. You should be sorry to yourself. To your baby. Please love yourself now Juvia. Take care of yourself because you're carrying a life in your womb. Don't just think about yourself. You will have a baby now so you need to think twice before doing an action because it might ruin the baby's future. Now, you would also think for your baby." Levy said.

"Okay. I will be the best mother in town and I will love and cherish her for the rest of my life." I said.

"Good that you finally realized that. I'm happy for you." Levy said.

"Thank you. But, Gray still has the rights to know this. But, I will not force him to sustain the needs of the baby. If he really can't accept us then so be it." I said.

"I agree to that." Gajeel said.

"Yeah, yeah." Levy said.

"We will help you take care of your baby." Levy said.

"Thank you Levy-san." I said.

"So, our only problem now is on how to contact him." Levy said.

"We can chat him on facebook." I said.

"He has a new account and I don't know what is it. Plus, he blocked us on facebook." Gajeel said.

"How about in skype?" I asked.








"How are you even sure of that?" I asked.

"I hate to say this but, I stalked him for you." Gajeel said.

"Really? I know it's very hard for you because you are a man whose really manly. Thank you so much. I appreciated your effort." I said and smiled.

"I was just finding a way to have communication to him but, he really can't accept us anymore." Gajeel said.

"What do we expect." Levy said.

"I will find a way for him to know this. Whatever it takes. It's just up to him of he wants to accept the baby or not." I said.

"I hope your mind wouldn't change." Levy said.

"Just slap me and make me realize my mistakes again." I said and she chuckled.

"I will surely do that." Levy said.

I should think not only for myself now. I now have the reason to live. It's because of the blessing that God gave me. I will never hurt my baby and I will protect in every way I can.

[A/N: Thanks for reading!♥]

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