Chapter 41

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3rd Person's POV...

Juvia sighed in relief when she finished her work. She stood up and stretched a bit. She get her things and she was about to walk out of the office when suddenly, the telephone rings.
She answered the call.



"Hello? Anybody there?"


"Oh come on. You should've not called if you will not talk."

[Stressed as always huh. Doesn't even know the word patience.]

Juvia's eyes widened but she gain back her posture.

"Why the hell did you called?"

Juvia was getting mad from the caller. Because it was the man who threathened their life.

[How's your husband now? Still in coma? *laughs* Don't worry, I'll end his life faster than you even thought.]

Juvia's grip on the phone tightened.

"What exactly do you mean?"

[Hmm...I know you'll just find it out later. Anyways, condolence!]

Then the call ended. Juvia threw the telephone in frustration. Then her phone rang. She answered the call.

[Juvia, we have a problem.]

"What is it?"

[Gray almost died. A fake nurse sneaked in here while were occupied. The fake nurse injected a drug on him that made his case worsen...I'm sorry...]

Juvia fell on the ground when she heard it. She cried quietly.

"Where is that shitty nurse?"

[She's in the hideout, tied up. Being tortured by Natsu, Romeo and Wendy.]

"Don't kill her...yet. I'm going to do something with that parasite when I get back."


Then the call ended, Juvia stood up and her tears was still streaming down her face. She wiped away her tears and headed out of the company.


Juvia was sitting on a chair beside Gray's bed. She was holding his hand. She looked at him with pity and love in her eyes. Gray was now paler than before and thinner than before. Juvia was getting alarmed on his condition. Laxus walked in and talked to Juvia.

"He is responsing well on the medicine were injecting in him. And that made his condition turn to normal. Don't worry, maybe in 2 to 3 weeks his skin color will go back to it's original color and he'll gain back his weight." Laxus said.

"Maybe?" Juvia asked.

"Yep. Because were still doing some tests on him. There's a 75% chance that he'll go back to his original condition." Laxus said.

"Okay." Juvia said and sighed.

"I'll be going now." Laxus said.

Then he walked out of the room. Just sighed once again and looked at Gray. He looks like a dead already. Then suddenly, her phone rang and answered it.



Juvia stood up from shock.

"E-erza, why d-di you called?" Juvia asked.

[I have to tell you something.]

"What is it?"

[I know who did that to you and to Gray. But I'm still not sure who's the mastermind of all these.]

"You mean, the one who ordered that Pius guy to kill us is not yet the boss?"

Juvia stood there un shock running up and down her body.

[Yes, you're right. The one who's treatening you is the boss. He wants to get you and kill Gray for revenge.]

"B-but, who the hell is the guy?"

[I'm working with the one who put your life into danger.]

"You're working for him?!"


Juvia felt like her whole world was like shattered into pieces.

"B-but why?"

[I need to. To have a better access and to know if your lives will be put to danger, so that I could make a stop quickly. But this one passed me. They didn't know my true identity. So please, don't tell this to anyone.]


[Just call me if you need my help. I'll be willing to help you.]


Then the call ended. Juvia sat down on the chair again and she looked at Gray. She pulled her hair in frustration. She hold his hand tighter and kissed his forehead.

"I'll put an end to all of this. Don't worry. Please wake up sooner. 'Cause I missed you already." Juvia said and sighed.

[A/N: Thanks for reading!♥]

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now