Chapter 151

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Gray's POV...

It was dark. I don't know where I am but I keep on running in the dark. I can't see anything. I remember everything. I keep on running and looking for something I don't know. Until I saw a woman standing in the dark. Her back facing me. I tried to reach her but it feels like she was not near me. She's just near me but she's out of reach. Until she turned around, her eyes were closed. My eyes widened. I tried to call out her name but no words was coming out of my mouth. It's like my voice was taken away. Suddenly she was already in front of me, her eyes were still closed. She held out her hands and spoke.

"Come with me Gray. Let's get out from this messed up world." She said softly and caressed my cheeks.

I was about to open my mouth to speak, but she put a finger on top of my lips to shut me up.

"Speak no more Gray. Please just come with me. We'll live in a more peaceful place, away from everything." She said.

I looked at her face, her eyes were still closed. I wanted to believe in her. I wanted to believe in Juvia but there's something in me that's doubting her words.

"Trust me Gray. Don't you want us to be happy? I know you want to. Let's go to a place where we could live the life we wanted." She said.

She held out her hand nearer to me. I just need to trust her. I love her and I don't think I can reject her. I was about to hold her hand when suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Gray no! Don't Go!" A voice suddenly appeared.

I looked around to find it then there I saw Juvia. Again? She was there trying to reach me. I looked at her puzzled. She was crying.

"Gray please don't go! Don't leave us behind!" She said.

I tried to speak but I failed. Then suddenly I heard Mom, dad, and the gang's voices. My eyes widened when they suddenly appeared beside Juvia. They were begging thesame thing.

"Dad please...I don't want to lose you." Jay said.

I looked back to Juvia who was I talking earlier. My eyes widened and I backed away. Her eyes was already opened and her hair color changed. Her eyes was pure black and her hair. She was holding a knife.

"Damn it. Curse you Gray Fvckbuster! I will make sure the next time we meet, you'll be dead! I will make sure of that!" She said, her voice was deep.

No, this is not Juvia. This woman in front of me is fake. Thank heavens I didn't took her hand. She suddenly disappeared. I looked back at my family and there I saw them smile in relief.

"Thanks Dad. Thanks for staying." Jay said.

I smiled at them. Then suddenly, an eye piercing brightness, that made me close my eyes, consumed everything.

I then opened my eyes. I adjusted my eyes in the brightness. I can't feel my body, it's like I lost every part of me but that didn't lasted long. I then felt my body. I looked around and there I saw them. They looked devastated

"Guys look! Gray's finally awake!" Flamebrain said.

They looked at me and there once devastated look turned into a happy one.

"Oh my gosh Gray!" Mom said in joy.

Tears were streaming down her face ans she hugged me. She was still crying. I rubbed her back slowly to calm her down. My throat was dry that I can't speak properly.

"Give me water first..." I whispered but they heard it.

Dad gave me a glass of water. He smiled at me. I gave him back the glass when I was done drinking.

"I'm glad you're finally awake. I thought..." He stopped immediately. Then he looked away.

"We thought we were going to lose you but thank heavens." Erza said and hugged me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Yesterday, we almost lost you. This machine here went on a straight line. Doctors and nurses rushed here in your room just to revive you. We were breaking down here already and begging you not to go yet." Natsu explained.

"Jay was here yesterday. He suddenly hugged you and cried then begged for you not to go." Lucy said.

"Thank heavens it worked." Jellal said.

"I think I heard you guys." I said.

"Thank God you did." Mira said.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

"Almost a week already." Laxus said.

"Wait, where's Juvia?" I asked.

Worry and anger rushed in my body. Just the thought of Lyon hurting Juvia, makes me mad and the feel of wanting to kill him.

"We still couldn't find her. That bastard really planned all of this in the very first place." Erza said trying to keep calm but anger was evident in her voice.

I tried to move my body but pain suddenly jolted through out my body.

"You're still not in the right condition Gray, rest for awhile." Mom said.

"We're taking care of everything already, just please rest for awhile." Dad said.

"But I've been resting for a week now. That's enough. I need to find my wife now. I can't bear the fact that Juvia is in the hands of that bullshit." I said.

"We don't even know where she is right now Gray! Stop being a bullshit for awhile and just rest." Erza said.

"We're trying our best to find her so please just calm down." Wendy said.

"Okay fine." I said in defeat.

Then suddenly Romeo went in the room, panting and was holding a small paper bag.

"Thank God you're finally awake Gray!" Romeo said.

"But before we celebrate, I think we should watch this guys." Romeo said.

Romeo pulled out a cd from the paper bag and inserted it in his laptop.

"What is that Romeo?" I asked.

"I think this could help us know where Juvia is. I just saw this in the mansion with this letter." Romeo said and handed me the letter.

I opened it and read it.

'Hey fvckbuster. Too bad you survived. The experiment failed. Well, just to inform you where Juvia is, better watch this video. I'm already excited to kill you.'


I crumpled the paper and I looked at the laptop then Romeo played the video.

"Hey fvckbuster. How are you doing? Are you already dying?" Lyon said and laughed.

"Well anyways, Juvia is with me. Say hi to her." Lyon said

then the camera was focused on Juvia who was chained in a bed, unconcious. She was paler than before and thinner. I balled my fist in anger.

"You might be wondering why she looks like that, well, we had a little experiment but don't worry. She will not die...yet." He said then laughed again.

"I'm looking forward to see you here." Lyon said.

The video went black and there was shown the directions.

"Damn you Lyon." I cursed.

A/N: Sorry for some grammatical errors and typos. Thanks for reading and I hope for more feedbacks and votes.

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