Chapter 125

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Title: The truth behind

3rd Person's POV...

"Gray went to California along with his gang. He was too hurt from what happened. Gray became more cold. Then you chased after him. But he just kicked you out of his life again in a harsh way that made you hate him. When you were gone away again, Gray broke down in his house. He keeps on breaking anything that he touched. He also became more alcoholic and he keeps on saying your name over and over again when he's drunk. The one time, Gray went to a town to scream out his pain and he keeps on crashing the things he sees. The gang came to calm him down because he was shouting your name all over the town. He goes to bar everyday and always having a night with a bitch but you know what comes in his mind when he does that? He thinks that he's hitting on you Juvia. He keeps on thinking of you and you never leaved his mind. He sent Lyon to keep an eye to you but end up being betrayed by Lyon. But now that he showed up again, he wants you back but Lyon already have you so he thought that he should be cold to you. Then he finds out that he's the father of your son so he decided to get you back. Now that I know that he could fully protect you, I won't be in the line again." Ultear said.

More tears escaped her eyes as she process everything that Ultear had said to her. She was feeling more pain knowing that Gray also had a miserable life.

"Why are you telling this to me?" Juvia asked.

"Because this is all I could do to you for now." Ultear said.

"Why would you even do this things for me?" Juvia asked.

"Because you're someone special in my life and to my boss life." Ultear said.

"Who really are you?" Juvia asked.

Ultear hold Juvia's hand and a tear escaped her eyes. She quickly wiped it off with her free hand.

"You'll know someday. In a right time in the right place." Ultear said.

She stood up and leaved the room. Juvia was left their, processing every detail that Ultear had said to her.

"Gray was with me in the way of raising Jay through Lyon. But, why didn't he know that we had a son? Gray is helping me in my life back then but why he didn't know that thing? Is it because Lyon hadn't told him about Jay?" Thses questions keeps on running in her mind.

She realized that Gray actually loved her truly back then but was just blinded by lies. Juvia wiped away her tears. Pain was rushing through her heart and it was unbearable. Juvia cried harder than before. She didn't know how to handle things anymore. She needed someone to keep her sanity.

When Gray was done packing up few of Juvia's clothes, he went to the hospital. When he arrived there, he headed to Juvia's room. When he opened the door, he saw that Juvia was sitted down, hugging her knees while she rested her head on her knees. Gray put down the things and he placed a hand on Juvia's shoulder. Juvia lifted her head up and looked at Gray. Gray's eyes widened when he saw that Juvia's eyes was red from crying even her nose. Tears started streaming down her face as she stare deeply into his eyes. Gray got worried.

"Don't worry. I'll help you get through it." Gray said.

"Why...Why didn't you told me all of it in the very first place?" Juvia said.

"What do you mean Juvia?" Gray asked.

"Why do you have to hide it all from me?! All this time, I thought that you're having a happy life while I, became miserable. I thought you didn't love me but I was wrong. Why?" Juvia asked.

"Because I thought that it was better if I just keep it all in me. What's the point on telling you that if you don't even love me anymore?" Gray said.

Juvia was out of words. She looked down and cried harder. She covered her face using her hands.

"Th-this is all my fault...I believe in lie easily...If only I was smart enough to handle things then maybe Jay didn't become miserable...." Juvia cried.

Gray hugged Juvia and he kissed her on her forehead.

"Juvia, this is not your fault. This is my fault. If only I had accepted your mistake and believed in you then maybe were still together and you wouldn't feel this pain." Gray said.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry..." Juvia cried.

"Don't don't have any fault in this. Please stop crying. It pains me a lot to see you like this." Gray said.


Juvia was asleep and Gray took that chance to bring Jay to the hospital. Because Jay keeps on bugging him about Juvia's condition and Gray knows how bad Jay wants to see his mom. Jay sat down on the chair beside Juvia. Gray just sat down on the couch and watched over them. Tears started to stream down Jay's face and he quickly wiped away his tears. He balled his fists in anger. Gray saw this and he went to Jay. He tapped Jay on the shoulder gently and he motioned him to sat down on the couch beside him. Jay obliged this. Jay was sitting down on the couch and Gray asked him a question.

"Are you mad at Lyon for hurting your mom?" Gray asked.

Jay looked at him and Gray could see the anger in Jay's eyes.

"I'm so mad at him. I despise him for hurting my mom." Jay said angrily.

Gray sighed.

"You shouldn't feel that way to him." Gray said.

"Why should I not?" Jay asked in surprise.

"Because he have a reason why he did that." Gray said.

"Enough to hurt my mom?" Jay asked.

"Nah. His emotions ate him and that's the reason why he did that. He was out of himself, I'm not telling that he's crazy. What I mean is that, he doesn't know that he's already doing the wrong thing. That's the power of emotions." Gray said.

"I still don't like him anymore." Jay said.

"Well, I can't blame you about that." Gray said.

"Promise me dad that you wouldn't hurt my mom." Jay said.

"I promise." Gray said.

[A/N: Gruvia ship have finally sailed! Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks!♥]

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