Chapter 94

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Juvia's POV...

I knocked on Jay's door and he opened it. I walked in.

"Hey honey." I said.

"Hey mom." He greeted back.

"Are you mad at mommy?" I asked.

He looked at me for a moment and he sighed.

"No mom. It's just that...this is the first time that you raised your voice to me over a simple thing. And it kinda made feel disappointed because you don't want me to meet your friend. I'm not mad, I'm just upset." Jay said.

I walked over him and hugged him. He also hugged back.

"I'm sorry honey. It's just that, were not in good terms at the moment and he is also my boss." I said.

"Really? He is your boss? So you get to see him everyday, right?" He asked.

"Not really everyday because he is sometimes in his office at the whole time." I said.

"Oh...don't worry mom. I won't push my request to you anymore." He said.

"Fine. I'll just fix our problem then maybe, just maybe, you could get to see him." I said.

"Thanks mom." He said and smiled.

I also smiled back. What now? He wanted to meet Gray. I just hope that Gray wouldn't question me about Jay. I then broke the hug and bid my goodbye to him. I went in my car and drove to the company.

I was in my office and finishing some paperworks when suddenly, Meredy walked in.

"Juvia, Mr. Fullbuster wants to talk to you." Meredy said.

I sighed. I knew it. I then stood up and went to Gray's office without answering Meredy's question. When I finally arrived at his office, I sat down on the couch. He was looking at me intensely and it's sending chills down my spine.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?" Gray asked.

"I'm sorry sir." I said and looked down.

"Who was the kid with you last sunday?" He asked.

I gulped and closed my eyes tightly.

"H-he is my son." I said.

It was a long silence and Gray decided to end it.

"And who is the father?" He asked.

"Y-you don't need to know it." I said.

"The last time we talked in California, you told me that you were pregnant. So where's the baby now? Is it...Is it Jay?" He asked.

"How did you know his name?" I asked.

"Well, he was the one who told me his name. Now tell me, is Jay my son?" He asked.

I was already in the verge of crying. I want to speak but the lump in my throat got in the way. A tear escaped my eye and I immediately wiped it away. I looked at him.

"No. He is not your son." I said.

He chuckled in disbelief.
(A/N: Is there such thing like that?)

"And now you're denying it. What is really the truth? Can you just fvcking explain that shit to me?" He asked.

I breated in heavily. This is so hard. It's making me hard to breathe. I think in any minute now, I would explode.

"After I explained it to you in California and you didn't believed me, I got stressed and I miscarriage the baby. Jay is me and Lyon's son." I said.

"Really? What is the kid's age now? Probably 5 years old because 6 years ago we made love. Now what lie are going to tell me,huh?" Gray asked.

He is throwing me some heavy questions and I can't seem to carry it anymore.

"He is just 4 years old. And why the hell do you care now? As I remember back then, you were so eager for me to be out in your life and you also said that you are not the father of that demon. And thar demon is already dead Gray. You despise me that you don't even want to see even the single strand of my hair and now you're asking me those questions." I said.

"Stop changing the topic Juvia. What we are talking here is about our son." He said.

"Can't you get it?! I told you that the baby is already dead!" I said kinda raising my voice.

"Okay. That's what you said. But don't expect me to believe you." He said.

I was really speechless by now. I looked away and my tears started streaming down.

"You can leave now." Gray said.

I nodded and headed out of his office and I went in my office. This is just too much. I already expect him to ask me questions but not that kind of questions. I just hope that he wouldn't do any actions to get my son away from me.

[A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks! I love you all readers both active and silent readers!♥]

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