Chapter 149

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Juvia's POV...

Lucy and Levy went ahead already in the church while me, Mira, Meredy, and Erza waited for the car to arrive. I wonder what Gray is doing now. Maybe he's nervous too like me. This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for. I really do hope things will turn out well. While we were waiting, I roamed my eyes around since we're already outside the house. Once my sight landed on a certain tree that's kind of far from us, I saw a hooded man, looking at us. More like scanning us or something. I'm not really sure because aside from his hood, he also wears a tinted eyeglasses that covered most of his face. I could recognize that it's a guy based from his physical features. I stared at him, trying to scare him off but he just continued looking at us and that kind of alarmed me so I nudged Erza and looked at her since she's the one closest to me.

"Look at that guy near the tree. He's looking at us and I just feel that something's wrong." I said to Erza.

She scanned the area using only her eyes then she looked back at me.

"There's no one there Juvia." Erza said.

I looked back at the tree and the guy was already gone like he was taken by the wind.

Huh? But I just saw him there. I'm sure I saw him.

"Maybe he already left but I really saw a guy there." I said.

"Don't think about it too much. We'll handle it later and you just need to relax, okay? Everything's fine so relax." Erza said and gave me a reassuring smile.

I sighed and smiled back at her. That guy is really something but I'll just think about him some other time. This is my best day and I should be relaxed. Juvia, do not overthink things, just focus on your wedding. I brushed off the idea of that guy in my mind and finally, the wedding car arrived. We went inside and went straight ahead to the church.

When we finally arrived there, Lucy and Levy approached me while the other girls went to their position. Lucy and Levy fixed me a little and put the white see through cloth on me properly. All of them was already in and I was the only one left. Two persons opened the church doors then I entered the church. As I got in, my father went to me and I clinged on his arm. He smiled at me with teary eyes.

"My baby is now a lady. Time really pass by so fast that it feels like you were just a baby yesterday but now you're a gorgeous lady. I'm so proud of you and I wish you all the best. Happy wedding day my beautiful daughter. I Love you so much." Dad said and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks for everything dad. I love you too." I said to him and gave him my sweetest smile.

I hugged him and after that we started walking down the aisle. Everything feels so perfect. So good. Too good to be true and if this is just a dream, I never want to wake up. I felt my tears build up and I quickly stopped it from falling. Gray was looking at me lovingly and gave me his sweetest smile. I blushed and I smiled back at him.

3rd Person's POV...

'She looks so perfect...' Gray thought.

He watched as Juvia walked nearer and nearer to him. He feels in his stomach his butterflies and his heart are skipping beats as he watched his lovely wife walk down the aisle. He savored the moment and he felt very happy right in this very moment. Finally, Juvia reached him and they exchanged smiles like they're a high school couple.

"You two looks stupid. Stop that weird smiles or else I'm going to call off this wedding. You guys give me chills." Raven cringed.

"Oh come on Dad just let us be. This is our wedding day so give us the freedom to do anything. Well, if you don't want to see this cheesy stuffs then you're free to leave. I won't mind though." Juvia said and smiled.

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