Chapter 42

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3rd Person's POV...

Juvia was guarding Gray on her free time and works fir 2 weeks already. She didn't get enough sleep. Her sleep was just 1-2 hours a day. The gang was getting worried about her.

"Juvia, go home. Take a rest." Mira said.

"I can't do that. I still have a lot of works to do and I have to be with Gray's side." Juvia said.

"But you need to take a break from all of these. You need to take rest. For you to have stamina to do your daily activities." Lucy said.

Juvia didn't argued anymore so she nodded and sighed. She stood up and kissed Gray's forehead. She get her bag and walked out of the room.


While Juvia was sleeping on the bed, the gang was talking about her. After 9 hours, Juvia woke up and stretched. She get up from the bed and walked out of their room. She walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge to drink water. After drinking water, she walked back upstairs and went inside their room. She walked towards the table and opened the cabinet under it. She get the folder that Gray forbid her to get. She sat down on the swivel chair. While scanning the papers inside the folder, she get the file of a certain person and read it.

>Evol Quin, also knowned as "The Pain".

>She is the only daughter of Erick Quin, the greatest gun seller. Both in illegal and legal selling. They provide high quality guns and ships it around the world.

>When her father died in an accident, she took over the place of his father in the Black Org.

>Talks too much but she's mysterious.

>She has a lot of hideouts. But she stays in the abandoned building in the middle of the forest here in Fiore.

After reading the file, she analyzed Quin's records and she got a hint. She immediately dialled Erza's number. After 3 rings, she answered the call.


"Erza, I know who's the one who ordered Pius to kill us."

[You finally did it. So, what are your plans now?]

"Is the help you're giving still available?"

[Of course.]

"I'm gonna use it now."

[Okay! Let the game begin.]

Then Juvia ended the call. she opened the drawer and gets the brief case and opened it. She assembled the gun.


"Are you sure you are ready now?" Erza asked.

"I will not be here if I'm not yet ready." Juvia said.

"I like the attitude." Erza said.

They get their guns and put it inside their gun pockets inside their jacket. They also have daggers with them. They hid behind the tree and the grass was high that helped them hid. The guard that was roaming around went near the tree where Juvia was hiding. She immediately pulled the Guy's collar and slit his neck using her dagger. The guy fall on the ground, dead, and Juvia kicked the gun away. They headed to the abandoned building by crawling on the ground so that the guards wouldn't see them. 2 guards was roaming around the tall grass then Juvia and Erza pulled the guys down then slit their neck. They proceeded to their plan. There was 2 guards guarding the entrance so they pulled out their sniper. They put a silencer on the gun. They shoot the guys on the head. When the area was clear, they stood up and walked inside the building. They saw bunch of goons was crowding a table, probably playing card games. Juvia pulled the safety pin of the bomb and threw it on the corner of the table. And explosion was made. The first floor was cleared and bunch of guys walked downstairs while holding a baseball bat. They circled around Juvia and Erza.

"Looks like we have two beautiful intruders, huh?" The guy with peircing on his nose said.

"And these beautiful intruders will kill all of you." Juvia said.

"I like your attitude lady." The guy said.

"And I don't like yours." Juvia said.

The girls started shooting the guys while they tried to gt near the girls. One guy threw a dagger on Juvia but she catched it without even having any wound. She throw it back to the guy, bullseye. Erza pulled out her riffle and shoot the guys. Al men were down and they panted. The girls walked upstairs. There was two Guys holding a katana. Erza smirked and pulled out her very sharp katana.

"I'll handle this two idiots. Go ahead and find Quin then kill her. Don't let her escape." Erza said.

"Okay." Juvia said.

Juvia walked upstairs. Erza smirked and pointed her katana towards the guys.

"2 versus 1? Is that even fair?" Erza said.

"World is unfair so does the people inside, living in it." The guy said with black hair.

"Make sure this will be fun." Erza said.

[A/N: Cliffhanger sucks I know. I'm also a reader so I know that feeling. I am a silent reader. I already read one of my reader's book.
YandereJuvia. I already read her book. And I can say her works are good. So, if you're a gruvia writer, please comment. Watch out! I might be reading one of your works already! Anyways, Thanks for reading!♥]

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