Chapter 141

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Juvia's POV...

Everything was already organized. We're just waiting for the wedding day to come that made me excited but at the same time nervous. Gray was out for work and Jay is in school. While I am on my way to Meredy's house. I wanted to talk to her while waiting for Jay's break time. I was driving when suddenly, a car blocked the way that made me stop immediately. I looked at the car who was in front of mine and I was about to move back when a car blocked the way also, stucking me in between them.

Who might they be? Maybe... they're our enemies. I quickly get my gun and slid it inside my pocket, still holding it. A guy went down from the car while holding a gun. Then they all went out of their vehicles while each of them are holding armilites. My eyes widened.

Shit. I quickly lay to the side to cover myself. They started shooting my car. I covered my head using my hands. Small Pieces of broken glass flew everywhere in my car and some lands on me. They stopped shooting and I could hear their footsteps fading and an engine started then drove away. I raised my gun to check if there's anybody out there and it was cleared. I get up and went out of my car. My car is wrecked and bullet holes covered it. I then saw a paper on top ans I get it. I opened it up and read the message.

'I know that you're still alive. That simple thing can't kill you because you're a good fighter. A powerful and strong woman. I did this to maybe, treathen you? Are you even treathened? Oh well, serve this as a reminder that I exist. After killing the fifth? You'll face the fourth. Don't go easy on me woman. That's all.'
-The Fourth

I clenched my fist and crumpled the paper. This beasts can't really stop. They're so eager to erase our existence in this world. Gosh. They're trying so hard. I'm not even treathened. I then get my phone and dialled Meredy's number. I called her and she immediately answered.

[Hey Juvia, where are you now?]

"Umm...sorry to say this but I can't go there anymore."

[Eh?! But why?]

"I was attacked and my car is broken."

[What?! Did you alrrady informed Gray about this?! Are you alright?! Are you injured?!]

"Cool down Meredy. I'm fine. Gray doesn't know this yet but i'll inform him after this call."

[OMG! I hope you're okay. Go and call Gray now.]

"Okay. Bye."

I then ended the call and dialled Gray's number and called. He quickly answered.

[Hello, hon.]

"Hello, hon. Umm...I wanna tell you something but I wanted to tell it to you personally. Can you please come and pick me up here?"

[Oh okay. Where are you?]

"I'm here in the Evergreen road."

[Okay. I'll be there in a minute.]

"Okay. Bye. I love you."

[Bye. I love you too.]

I then ended the call. Gosh. I can already see how Gray would react on this. He'll be hellish and that's for sure. After some moments, Gray came and went out if his car with a frown on his face.

"I'll explain everything in your car." I said.

He sighed and nodded. He then dialled someone's number and after a moment, he ended the call and opened his car's door for me. I went in and so does he. He then started driving and I started explaining. When I was done explaining...

"That shit. How dare he..." Gray growled.

I calmed him down. He had been cursing that "the fourth" while I was explaining. I knew that this would happen if ever Gray finds out about this.

"Gray, calm down. I'm alright." I said.

"But still! They don't have the rights to do this to you." He said angrily.

I hold his hands and gave him a smile, reassuring him that I am perfectly fine. No wounds. No bruises. He sighed again, giving up on ranting. He knows that there' no winning with arguing with me. We then picked up Jay from school and headed back home. Jay keeps on telling us about what had happened in his school the whole day. He was so cute while explaining because he exaggerates some things. He was too exhausted and at the same time happy that he fell asleep slowly. I chuckled.

When we finally arrived home, Gray carried Jay and we went in. He placed Jay in Jay's room and after that, he went in the room with me.


I went out on a jogging as I usually do everyday. I was all alone because Gray was busy sleeping and I didn't mind disturbing his slumber 'cause I know how tired he was. I happen to pass by a tree and saw an old lady, sleeping under it's shade. I stopped and went near the Old woman. I was about to wake her up when she suddenly flicked her eyes open and met mine. Too deep and dark. It was like, I am staring on an endless dark, alley. I came back to my senses when she spoke.

"Behind you." She said.

I got confused on what she said and before I could even process what she just said, darkness consumed me.

I woke up, not yet opening my eyes. I was pressed against a cold and moist wall. Or better yet, I wasn't pressed against it but I was laying on it and it wasn't wall at all, it was a cemented ground. I flicked my eyes open slowly, adjusting from the bright light that strucked my vision. I groaned, feeling the pain coarsed through my head, making it throb. I looked around the room and noticed that I was in a cozzy bathroom. I was confused on how the hell I get here and where I am then suddenly, it hit me. I immidiately sit up and memories came flashing back to my mind. I then noticed that my hands was handcuffed. Why the hell did they put me here in the bathroom? Before I could even think of it, the door opened, revealing a half masked man, covering only around his eyes until his nose. He was in a classic tux. What the actual fvck is going on here? He suddenly clapped his hands that snapped me back to reality.

"You're finally awake." He said.

His voice was manly and it was hard to guess his age. Some strands if his hair was dyed Gray. He was about 6 feet tall and had a very toned body.

"My, my. You must be enjoying on checking me up." He said and flashed a wicked smile.

I rolled my eyes on him. He's full of himself.

"Now you're being a brat to me. Don't do that to me. It's breaking my heart into pieces but wanting you more." He said and laughed like a devil.

[A/N: It's a nice cliffhanger, don't you think? Well anyway, thanks for reading and I hope for any feedbacks. I'm deeply sorry for not updating for so long.♥]

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