Chapter 46

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3rd  Person's POV...

After taking a bath, Juvia wore her clean clothes. She walked out of the bathroom and combed her hair. As she look at her reflection on the mirror, she remembers the events last night (lemon scene chap.45). She touched her lips and blushed madly.

'We did it again...last night...' Juvia thought.

Juvia sighed in happiness. Her fantasizing moment was ruined by a knock on the door. She stood up and opened the door.

"What?" Juvia asked.

"Juvia, did you have fun last night, huh?" Lucy asked with a smirk.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Juvia asked, clueless.

"Oh come on. Don't play dumb now darling." Wendy said.

"Eh?" Juvia was really clueless.

"You and Gray did it last night, right?" Lucy asked.

Then when Juvia realized and understood what they were trying to say, she blushed madly. Then the two girls giggled.

"H-how did you know?!" Juvia asked.

"We heard it. Yes this room is soundproof but we put very small audio device on your blouse." Wendy said.


Juvia's POV....

It was really embarassing! Wendy and Lucy found it out and the way they used is just so embarassing! Gaah! Thank Goodness they dropped the topic already earlier.

I walked out of my room to downstairs. I was just trying to know where Gray is. Because when I woke up, He wasn't beside me anymore. Maybe he went to handle the company. I was eating toasted bread with strawberry jam when I accidentally bit my tongue. I whined in pain. Romeo passed by so I asked him a number.

"Romeo! Give me a number!" I said.

He thought for awhile then looked at me.

"7?" He said unsurely.

"Thanks." I said.

Then off he go to Wendy in her room. I counted the alphabet.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Wait, G? Who's name starts with letter G? Wait, don't tell me it's Gray. Nah, just don't mind me. I'm getting Crazy again. I stood up and went upstairs to my room.


I'm currently sitting on the couch waiting for my husband to come. It's 11:00 p.m already. I peeked on the window and saw Gray's car was being parked in the garage. He went outside of his car. I immediately went towards the door and opened it to welcome him.

"Good evening!" I said cheerfully.

"G'evening." Gray said and walked in passed by me.

Huh? Not even giving an 'I'm home' kiss? That's what husband usually do right? When they got home? But, why is Gray acting cold?
I followed behind him. When we reached upstairs, I asked him.

"Gray, are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired." He said coldly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I said i'm just fvcking tired okay?!" He yelled at me.

"I'm just asking. What's wrong with that?" I asked wearing a hurt expression.

"I'm fvcking pissed and tired so just PLEASE, LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled at me and shut the door of his office in front of my face.

What the hell?! Why does he have to yell at me?! I'm just asking if he really is okay! Is that wrong? I don't get him!
I went inside our room and locked the door. I sat down on the bed and get his pillow. Then I punched it.

"You're so mean!" I said then punched.

"You're so cold to me!" Another punch.

"We were fine awhile ago and now you're acting cold to me!" Another punch.

"What is wrong with you?!" Another punch.

Then I just noticed that tears was streaming down my face.

"This is all your fault why I'm crying right now! I don't really cry back then, I'm tough! But now that I loved you...You became my Kriptonite."

(A/N: Is my spelling right?)

"And I hate it! But...I don't regret on loving you. I'm just hurt that's why..." I said and wiped away my tears.

[A/N: Do you ever feel like breaking down? Do you ever feel out of place? Like somehow you just don't belong and no one's there to save you? Jke.]

I lay in bed hugging the pillow that I punched earlier. I just can't hate him. I love him too much. Too much love will kill you. And I guess that is true. I hope we can fix this problem tomorrow.

[A/N: The next chapter will be more exciting. I guess. It's up to you though. Thanks for reading!♥]

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