Chapter 124

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Title: I'm always here for you

3rd Person's POV...

Juvia went in her car and started driving to hell who knows where. She was shattered into pieces by the man she loves. She was too hurt to think. Her chest was tightening from all the pain and that made her hard to breath.

'I gave him all...I loved him more than myself...then this is just what he's going to give back to me? I thought he would never cheat on me because he loves me...but I was wrong...I was wrong from trusting and loving him...' Juvia thought.

Juvia didn't noticed that she was already driving so fast. She was out of her sanity. She can't think well from all the pain he caused her. Her sight was also getting blurried from all the tears that was forming in her eyes.

Her eyes widened and she immediately turned her wheel to the other direction. To the direction of a tree. She stepped on the break so hard that looks like it's going to be broken. Her head hit the window because of the impact that made her head bleed. She hit the tree but it was not that bad. She hold the area of her head where it was bleeding. She was getting dizzy but she still managed to get out of her car to find help. She was about to take a step forward when suddenly, everything went black. But before her body could even touch the ground, someone managed to catch her on time.

It was Gray. Gray was following behind her all this time just to make sure she's okay but to his surprise, this accident happened. He carried her to his car and immidiately drove towards the hospital.

They were finally in the hospital and the doctors, nurses treated her quickly. He put her in a private room to make sure that she will be safe.

Gray sat down on the stool beside Juvia's hospital bed. She was still unconcious. Gray touched her hands and he kissed it.

"I'm sorry...because I still love you." Gray said.

Juvia opened her eyes slowly, adjusting from the light. She roamed her eyes around and there she saw Gray, sitting beside her bed. Juvia looked away as she remembers the accident that happened. Tears started flowing down her eyes. Pain was still on her chest. That she wanted to scream out just to release the pain.

"This is all your fault Gray..." Juvia cried.

Gray felt guilty but he knows that it was the right thing to do.

"I-I'm sorry..." Gray said.

Juvia looked at him with pain filled in her eyes.

"If you hadn't told me all those things then maybe I wouldn't feel this pain...." Juvia cried.

Gray looked down.

"I hate you...I hate you for being honest...I hate you for being concern to me...I hate you because you're the reason why Lyon cheated on me..." Juvia cried.

She was sobbing loudly. She hates her and that pained him.

"But that's just what I wanted to feel towards you, Gray. I wanted to hate you but my heart is thankful because you told me all those things. Because if you hadn't, then maybe I would never know what he was doing behind my back." Juvia said.

Gray looked at her in surprise. He was about to speak when Juvia interupted him.

"Thank you Gray. Thank you from saving me from misery even though it is in the painful way. And I guess it would take time for me to recover from this pain." Juvia said.

"I just did this to protect you and to put an end to your pain. And Because I love you." Gray said.

"Then, thank you for being my knight with no shining armor." Juvia said.

Gray just chuckled. He knows that she's still in pain but she's just smiling to hide the pain. Gray stood up and hugged her.

"You know that I'm always here for you. I will do anything just to protect you. I promise that you're the only lady that I will love till the last breath I take." Gray said.

"You shouldn't say that now because I don't know what to say on that. But anyway, thanks for comforting me." Juvia said.

Gray sighed in relief, knowing that Juvia doesn't her. But Juvia feels a little bit hatred towards him. Her mind is a little bit blaming him. But Juvia knows that someday, all of those hatred will be blown away.


Gray left Juvia for awhile to get some of her clothes that she needed. Gray was very hesitant to leave but Juvia forced him to leave and threatened him. Juvia did that to have some time alone. She wants to be alone for awhile just to process everything that had happened. Juvia was disturbed when someone went in her room. Her eyes widened when she saw the person, standing beside her bed. Juvia tried to sit up but her head ached so she didn't forced herself anymore. She looked at the person with annoyance in her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Juvia asked.

"I just came here to check on you." The person said.

Juvia rolled her eyes.

"Don't act like you care, Urteal." Juvia said.

The person chuckled and sat down on the bar stool beside her bed. Juvia raised a brow.

"It's Ultear not Urteal. Anyways, I can see that you still hated me huh. Can't blame you about that. I played like a bitch back then and I almost ruined your relationship with Gray. I'm very sorry for that." Ultear said.

Juvia looked at her in suspicion and Ultear sighed.

"Oh come on Juvia. Don't give me that look. I swear, I ain't gonna do shits anymore." Ultear said.

"How could I even believe that?" Juvia said.

"Well, I won't force you to trust me but I still want to you to know everything that happened. I just wanna clear things out ya'know." Ultear said.

"What do you mean?" Ultear said.

"I would clear things out. Just please lend me your ear." Ultear said.

Juvia sighed.

"Fine." Juvia said.

"Thanks. I played ad a bitch back then on purpose. It was true that I am Gray's ex but, I don't give a damn about that. I'm just a fling to him and He's just a fling to me. But our relationship lasted for a year. I already leave him. Because I know that I'm not the right one for him and he's not the right one for me. Years passed until, I came back and played a bitch for a reason. My goal was to take you away from Gray. I didn't do that for my sake, I did that to protect you. You don't know me but I know you. You're a precious person in my life. And my boss told me to do so because Gray was a real danger in your life. Gray had many heavy enemies but one of them wants to kill you for Gray to die. Because they know that if you die, Gray would loose his sanity and that would be the cause of his death. I was also taken aback by that when my boss told me that info. So I did my very best to take you away from Gray but your love was just too strong, unbreakable. And that feared me the most because I know that in any minute, you could already die. You thought that I'm already gone. But I kept my eyes on you. And because I'm too far away from you, I didn't had the time to stop the explosion. I was too late. I thought that you already died but you didn't. And I'm so thankful about that. The one who's responsible for that explosion was one of the people you treasured now. But end up hurting you. Anyways, when that incident happened, Gray left you after that. I feel bad for you but I think that way better than see you dead..." Ultear said.

Juvia's eyes widened and she was really taken aback from what Ultear just said to her. Tears was threatening to come out.

To be continued on the next chapter...

[A/N: The next chapter would be about Gray. Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks!♥]

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