Chapter 155

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3rd Person's Point of View...

Gray was tied up on the wall, in front of an incubator, where Juvia is. He was looking at Juvia while guilt was building up inside him.

'This is all my fault. I'm sorry for dragging you along in this situation. I'm so sorry...' Gray thought.

Juvia was still unconcious. Lyon was in the other room, preparing his mad plans. When he was done, he went inside the room where Gray and Juvia is, his men following behind him. They were holding different types of torturing stuffs. Gray didn't bothered to look at him because he was too focused looking at his lover.

"I think I have already given you enough time to appreciate your lover's features before you even lose her." Lyon said.

Lyon somewhat caught Gray's attention. Gray just glared at him and his sight went back to his lover.

'Where the hell is the gang? I hope they're still doing okay. I need their help.' Gray thought.

"Oh about your imbecile friends, they're still out there fighting against my numerous men." Lyon said with a smirk.

He pressed a button on a controller and the screen beside them flashed the cctv footage of the different spots in the building. Gray looked at the screen and what he saw made his anger to risen up.

"Look how they stupidly play my game. It's so amusing." Lyon said and laughed.

The gang was like in a maze with numerous enemies fighting them. It wasn't really numerous enemies but it was just an illusion. In reality, they were just shooting some human sized dolls.

Lyon stood up in front of Gray.

"It's not a bad thing to speak, Gray." Lyon said.

"It would be just a waste of time if the person I'm going to talk to, is you." Gray said.

Lyon punched Gray on the stomach. Gray groaned and coughed.

"Even if it's the last time you'll be able to talk?" Lyon said.

"You're stupid. It happened years ago so why can't you just move on?" Gray said.

Lyon punched Gray on the face so hard that made Gray's lower lip to bleed.

"It's easy for you to say because you're not the one who suffered after that fvcking incident!" Lyon said.

"Your suffering wouldn't last long if only you accepted everything! If only you accepted the fact that you can't be with her! You know why? Because you're out of your mind! You'll only cause pain to her! Look at her now! If you really love her, you will never do that to her! She's lifeless in your hands!" Gray shouted at Lyon's face.

"She deserves that! She killed my mom! She have to lose her memories in the painful way for revenge! This process just serves the justice for my mom. You know, I wanted to kill her so bad but because I love her, I can't do that. But I will not let her get away just because of that! This is just a punishment for her." Lyon said angrily.

Gray's eye widened and his eyes was in rage.

"You're erasing her memories?! What the fvck?! Why do you have to erase her memories huh? For her to forget my whole existence? or for her to forget everything you did to her including the time you tried to kill her? Or maybe both! Because you can't keep her beside you with those memories. 'Cause for sure she will despise you from everything you did and she will never love you. I bet even if you erase her memories she still wouldn't love you. Her mind can forget but her heart will never forget the pain you caused her." Gray said, smirking.

"Damn you Gray!" Lyon growled at Gray.

Lyon threw many punches on Gray's face that caused it to bleed. Gray tried to fight back but his hands were tied up.

"You're really testing my patience Gray!" Lyon said.

Lyon snatched the metal baseball bat from one of his men and went back to Gray. Lyon smirked. Gray glared at him and his sight went back to Juvia but it immediately went back to Lyon when the baseball bat hit him so hard on his stomach that made Gray coughed out blood. Lyon hit him again but this time, it landed on his knees. Gray's eyes widened and he yelled in pain. Lyon repeatedly hit his knees and Gray yelled in pain, feeling his bones were moving. Lyon stopped then he suddenly laughed. Gray was panting.

"Look how vulnerable you are now! Too bad I'm not yet satisfied torturing you." Lyon said and smirked.

Gray looked at him. Lyon went beside Juvia's incubator and pressed a button then it opened. Lyon pulled out a pocket knife that made Gray's eyes widened.

"Damn you Lyon! Don't you dare!" Gray growled at him.

Lyon just laughed at him. Lyon then cut Juvia's skin a small one but it was deep so it made her bleed. Her wounds and bruises was also more visible because the door was opened.

"Damn you Lyon! I'm going to kill you!" Gray growled while trying to break the chains but he failed.

Lyon then closed the door but he pressed a button that removed the tube that was giving oxygen to her. Juvia then started taking deep breaths. Her paler skin became more paler than it already was.

"DAMN YOU LYON! DAMN YOU!!" Gray exclaimed at him.

Lyon just laughed then he pressed a button that moved the tube back to Juvia. After a few moments her breathing became stable.

Lyon then stood up in front of Gray with a smirk plastered on his face.

" that the love you were saying? What kind of love are you even trying to say? You said you love her but then you're killing her! That's not love anymore! You're just using her to satisfy your madness!" Gray exclaimed.

Lyon chuckled.

"I don't care. As long as my plans go well then, everything for me will be fine." Lyon said.

"Hurt her again and I swear you're going to die." Gray said angrily.

"That's not going to happen, not even in your wildest dreams. Prepare to lose her forever, Gray. Don't worry, I'll send you our wedding invitation soon. We'll have our own children and we will live a happily ever after. I have the happy ending you will never have." Lyon said and laughed.

"In your dreams. I will never let that happen you shit." Gray said.

Lyon just smirked at him then he went out of the room. Gray clenched his fist.

'I'm going to save you Juvia, I'm going to save us don't worry. I promise you.' Gray thought.

A/N: The end is near. Sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. Thanks for reading and I hope for more feedbacks and votes.

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now