Chapter 27

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Title: Mission 2

Juvia's POV...

I swiped the I.D on the scanner and the door opened. I went inside and locked the door.

"Who's I.D is this?" I asked.

[It's their secretary's I.D. and that secretary is one of our men.]

"Oh...Amazing." I said.

[Look for the CD. It is named as project S. It's inside the cabbinet.]

"There are so many cabbinet here. Which one?" I asked.

[I don't even know. Just look for it everywhere in those cabbinets.]

My jawdropped. What the hell?! They put me into this situation then they don't even know what is the exact location of that damn CD?! Great! Just Great!

"Ugh. Fine..." I said and sighed.

I searched in cabinet near the door. And there was nothing. I looked inside the cabinet of the table one by one. The only one' left is the cabinet on top of a desk. I opened it in an agressive way and it was really messy now. I get the brown envelope and opened it.

[Juvia! Hide now! He's coming!]

I got startled so I quickly hid at the back of the couch. The couch was facing the door. I opened the envelope and the CD was there. I sighed in relief then the door opened. The man went to the cabinet I recently opened. I quickly went out of the room without making noise.

"Fvck! You will not get away from this lady!" He shouted then ran after me.

He was chasing me so I ran faster. I reached the elevator ans pushed the button fir so many times but it was too slow. The man was kinda near so I grabbed thw vase beside me and throw it to him. It hit his head so he fall on the ground holding his head. I quickly ran away. I ran down the stairs but he get my hair and grabbed it. He pushed me on the wall hard.

"Ugh." I whined in pain.

"Who the hell sent you here?!" He asked.

"Know it yourself!" I said to him.

I need to activate my fighting skills now. He's gonna punch me but I quickly dodged it and his hand hit the wall. I grabbed that chance to kick his balls. He fall on the ground whining in pain while holding his balls. I kicked his stomach. He then grabbed my foot and pulled it so I fall on the ground.

"Ouch." I whined in pain.

He quickly got up and slapped me. I felt a liquid running down of my lips. He slapped me again. He was about to slap me but I quickly punched his face. His nose bleed and I punched him again. He backed away so I quickly got up. I kicked his stomach and he hit the wall. He hold his stomach. I was about to went near him but he quickly pointed a gun on me so I backed away. He got up still pointing a gun on me. Then he laughed.

"Do you really think you can beat me, huh?" He asked.

"I could if only you played fair." I said.

"Everything in this world is unfair lady. And who do you think you are?" He asked.

I just gave him a wicked smile.

"You'll know it in hell." I said.

"Feisty one eh? Oh! I know you now. You are the Mrs. Fullbuster. The wife of Gray Fullbuster my mortal enemy. He's really dumb so sent you here. I'll kill you now and I'll kill him next." He said then laughed.

"You really think you can kill me? What a very stupid thing to think. You don't even have any idea about me and who I am. So watch your words doofus." I said and smirked.

"You shit. Say hello to satan for me." He said.

"You'll be doing that for me." I said.

I was about to lift my foot to hot his hand when suddenly, someone shot his hand so he dropped his gun. He whined in pain.

"You'll be the one who will go in hell. Not me or my wife." He said.

He get me and hugged me. He covered my eyes and hugged me tightly so I can't hear them.

"Do you want your wife to witness how evil you are? How demonic you are? Well, that's fine with me. I'm sure she's going to leave you and find a better man. A devil like you deserve it though." He said then laughed.

I still can hear them a little.

"Speaks like an angel Huh. You're a devil too Gary. You're more evil than me. And i'm sure she'll never leave me because of this." Gray said.

Then I heard two shots of gun. I got terrified.

Juvia! Get out of here, now! Save yourself! Go with dad!

But i can't leave you here!

You should leave me here! Save your life for me. For revenge.

Nooo! I can't leave you here Alzack-kun!

Go now! Asuka needs you! My daughter Asuka needs you and you know she's just a baby! Take care of her for me.


Bang! Bang!


Gray hugged me tighter. Maybe he felt that I got tensed.

"Everything's fine now." He said.

"Let's just go home." I said.

And i handed him the envelope containing the CD.

"Okay." He said.

He then carried me, bridal style. I didn't argued with him anymore. We then headed out of the company and I saw Mira.

"Hey Juvia. Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired now." I said.

"Okay." She said.

We went inside his car and I gave the daggers and gun back to him. He then started driving home.

[A/N: Thanks for reading!]

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now