Chapter 108

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3rd Person's POV...

"What are you doing here Gray?!" Juvia said in surprise.

"How did you know my name? Who are you?" Gray asked.

Juvia thought for a moment then she realized that she was actually in disguise. Juvia sighed.

"Jay. And please call me Sammy for my safety." Juvia said.

Gray got the messafe and he soon realized that he was talking to Juvia. He put down his gun like what Juvia did earlier.

"Why are you here? And why is your attire like that?" Gray asked.

Juvia looked at herself and she then realized that she forgot to put on back her jacket. She kinda blushed.

"B-because I just finished my business here. How 'bout you?" Juvia asked.

Gray then pointed a gun behind her and Juvia's eyes widened.

"Don't you dare move." Gray said.

"Wait, what the hell?!" Juvia asked.

Gray pulled the trigger and Juvia closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and she looked at her back. She saw a man lying on the ground and bathing in his own blood.

"Oh..." Juvia said.

"I'm here to deal with something but this happened." Gray said.

"Okay." Juvia said.

It was a long silence until Gray removed his coat and he coughed fakely to catch Juvia's attention. She looked at him.

"Yah?" Juvia asked.

Gray handed his coat to Juvia.

"This might help you." Gray said.

Juvia nodded and smiled. She get the coat and wore it. The coat reached up to her mid-thigh.

"Thanks." Juvia said.

"No worries." Gray said.

"I'll be going now." Juvia said.

"Okay. Take care. Goodbye." Gray said.

"You too." Juvia said.

Juvia then walked away and went out of the building while shooting some enemies. When Juvia was out of sight. Gray loosen his neck tie and he sighed in relief.

"That was hot." Gray mumbled to himself.

Juvia went in her car and drove through their hideout.

[It was good conversation for the both of you.]

Juvia's eyes widened when she realized that her dad was actually listening to their conversation. She blushed a little.

"You were listening?!" Juvia asked.

[Sorry 'bout that. *chuckle*]

"Whatever dad. Anyways, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Juvia said.


After 10 minutes, Juvia finally arrived at their hideout and she went inside. When she opened the door, she saw that Mark was already tied up and being tortured by his dad. Juvia sweatdropped. She went inside.

"Hey dad. How's it going?" Juvia asked.

"He's still not spilling the beans out Juvia. But I'm sure soon, he will." Raven said.

"As expected from you dad." Juvia said.

Juvia looked at Mark who was full of deep cuts and bruises in his body. He was also bloody.

"What tortures did you do to him?" Juvia asked.

"Oh, it was just a simple torture. I played dart and he was the dart board, cut some of his flesh using a scissor, cut off one of his toe by shooting it, splashed a boiling hot water on him, electricuting him, and smashed his fingers. That's all. Not a big deal." Raven said.

Juvia sweatdropped. Because she knows that his dad is fond of torturing enemies especially those people who caused him too much trouble. Then, Raven got a hammer.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" He asked.

"N-never..." Mark said.

"Okay. Wish granted." Raven said.

Raven smashed Mark's toes until it was broken. Mark screamed in agony.

"And for the final wave, I'll call someone to kill your family." Raven said.

Raven get his phone and he dialled someone's number. Mark's eyes widened.

"Yes...kill his WHOLE FAMILY then send me their head...okay---"

"Nooo! Stop! Please! I'll tell you!" Mark said.

Raven smirked. Mark tell them the info's and after that...

"Thanks for your kind cooperation but I was just kidding when I told you that I would kill your family. And now, die." Raven said.

Raven shoot Mark 3 times in the head.

"That was a piece of cake." Raven said.

[A/N: That was tough. Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope for your feedbacks♥]

The Mafia Boss Wife Was Once A Mafia (Gruvia) Book 1&2(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now