Chapter 92

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Juvia's POV...

I'm currently driving and Jay is with me because were going to buy some groceries! It's already weekend so why not. When we finally reached the mall, I parked my car of course in the parking lot. We went out of the car and went in the mall. I'm holding Jay's hand so that I wouldn't loose him. I got a cart and started picking up the things we needed. Jay is also picking some things for himself. Maybe you guys are wondering what happened next on my talk to Gray (chp. 91). Well, after that talk, I went in my office. Well, it's not like it's a big deal anymore for me. I just cried because I was kinda hurt and affected of what he said. Well, anyways, I was checking the list of foods that I should buy. When I turne around to face Jay, to my surprise he was gone.

"Jay? Jay! Where are you?!" I said.

I'm starting to freak out here. Because what if those assholes get him? What if that really happen?! I would die if I loose him!

3rd Person's POV...

Jay was walking around the super market, searching for the food he wanta to buy. He didn't even noticed that he was already far away from her mom. He finally found the cereal he was looking for and he was so happy. He tried to search for her mom but, he was already lost.

"Mom? Mom!" Jay shouted.

He was already in the verge of crying.

"I'm tough. That's what mommy told me." Jay said to himself.

While he was walking around, searching for his mom, the people around was looking at him in pity. And Jay doesn't like that look they give to him. He was already tearing up and he keeps on wiping away his tears. He was hugging the cereal and he walks around like a lost boy. He was starting to loose hope so he looked down. He was sobbing when suddenly, he bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." Jay said silently.

"That's alright kid." The guy said.

Jay was about to walk away when suddenly, an idea popped in his mind. He looked up at the man.

"Hey Mr, do you know where...where my mom is?" He asked.

The man looked at him in confusion but soon realized what Jay said.

"I don't know who is your mom kid. Wait, are you lost?" The man asked.

"Well...kinda...Maybe...Yes?" Jay said unsurely.

"You are indeed lost. But don't worry. I know someone who could help ya." The man said

"Really? Who?" Jay asked.

"The security guard. Come on." The man said.

Jay was about to walk with him but hw immediately stopped himself when he remembered what his mommy told him about strangers.

"Mommy said, I shouldn't talk and trust to strangers. Sorry sir but I can't go with you. You might be a bad guy. A kidnapper." Jay said.

The man chuckled and messed Jay's hair.

"You're a wise kid, huh. I know, I'll tell you my whole name and you will tell me yours. So that, were not strangers anymore." The man said.

Jay was hesitant and it was really evident.

"Don't worry kid. I wouldn't force you if you don't want to." The man said.

"Okay fine. What's your name?" Jay asked.

"I am Gray Fullbuster, 36 years old. And what's yours?" The man said.

"I am...Jay, 5 years old." Jay said.

"Oh...what a nice name you have." Gray said.

"Thanks dude." Jay said and smiled.

"Finally, you smiled. So come on, let's go shall we?" Gray said.

Jay nodded happily. Jay hold his hand. Gray was feeling so lightened with this kid beside him. He doesn't know why but he feels so happy suddenly.

Juvia was already freaking out and she was in the verge of crying. While she was looking around in the supermarket, searching for her son, so many thoughts are coming in her mind. She was about to loose her mind now when suddenly, she heard Jay's voice, calling her name.

"Mommy!" Jay shouted.

Juvia looked at his direction and her once gloomy world lightened when she saw her son. She smiled and immediately went over his son and hugged him tightly. Totally not minding the man with Jay. She broke the hug but she's still holding her son. But the man with them was totally shocked.

"Where have you been? You made me worried. I thought I'm going to loose you! Don't do that ever again okay?" Juvia said who was already tearing up.

"I'm sorry mommy...I made you cry." Jay said and wiped away her mommy's tears.

"That's fine honey. I just don't this to happen ever again. Okay?" Juvia said.

"Okay! Oh and, this man beside me helped me to find you!" Jay said pointing to the guy beside him.

Juvia smiled.

"Tha--" She immediately stopped when she saw who it was.

Her eyes widened and it's like her whole world shurnk. She looked at Jay then back to Gray.

"G-g-gray? I-it was you w-who helped Jay? Th-thanks." Juvia stuttered.

She was getting nervous because Gray ia in front of her who was with Jay.

"Yes it was me. H-he is your son?" Gray asked.

Juvia was speechless. She doesn't want to say it but she doesn't want to hurt her son's feelings.

"Y-yes. Oh and by the way we're going now. Bye. Thanks for your help." Juvia said quickly.

She then carried Jay and they walked away. She was really out if her mind now. This is a disaster.

[A/N: Quite a long chapter I made. Thanks for reading and I hope for your feedbacks!]

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