Chapter 1

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Adriana tilted the tiny white cup in her hands and counted the pills. Five pills of various colors and shapes. A new combination to hopefully help her to finally get some desperately needed sleep. She was in distress. This was why she chose to self-admit into one of Gotham city's best psychiatric care facilities. She needed help.

But she was different from the other patients. 

She had what some would consider a gift, others a curse, a few others a burden, but to most a sign that she was clinically insane. Ever since she was born, she could hear other's thoughts as well as see their pasts. Every sordid detail of everyone's life. Every single person that she came into contact with. And even those she didn't come into contact with. Anyone within range, which on a good day was an estimated quarter mile radius around her.

She was no stranger to medication or counseling with psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists that didn't believe what she was going through. And she hated having to prove it to them. If she tried to hide her problem and not tell them exactly what was wrong with her, they would simply prescribe anxiety medications. Because to them she seemed normal, but always anxious and on edge. She would typically have to reveal to the doctors some deep, hidden and personal secret about themselves to convince them. And usually after that they would tell her that they could not help her.

She could sense their discomfort. 

They were uncomfortable with their own personal information being know by a stranger, but also concerned about the privacy of others. She could sense their worry about HIPPA laws and the fact that she likely knew other patient's personal information. If she told anyone about another patient's issues, the doctor or facility's professional integrity would be questioned. Many doctors would tell her they could not help her, and send her away before getting know her. She understood discretion better than anyone and would never share other patient's information.

Fortunately, at last, she had been able to find a very understanding doctor. He believed her, trusted her, and was willing to do what she needed. Offer a pharmaceutical approach. She wanted to be medicated. So, she took time away from work, lived off of her savings, and admitted herself to a psychiatric hospital. The hospital where her doctor worked.

For the past 8 years she had worked for Gotham's police department in emergency situations where the police could not coerce necessary information out of criminals. They paid well. Only two people working for the Gotham police department knew of her abilities and were aware of what her job was. Commissioner Gordon, a kind man who had offered her the job after learning of her abilities, and Adriana's boyfriend who was a cop.

Most of the people at the department believed she was a normal private investigator. 

After helping the police locate a child who had been kidnapped months ago by a kidnapper who was willing to admit to the crime but refused to give the parents peace of mind and closure by revealing where the body was, she was done. She needed time away. She took a leave with no certain date of return. She had chosen the job because no matter what, her abilities tortured her, and she figured that she could put them to good use in the dark city of Gotham. 

She had moved to Gotham alone in her early twenties. Even though she had been very young, she was exhausted with life. She had tried living in the middle of nowhere, small towns, and her abilities still tormented her. She in an act of defiance, she moved away from her family, alone to Gotham. In a way, she was sure that Gotham would kill her. The entire country knew how awful things were there, and in a way, she wanted to end it all. So, she went. Instead, she found meaningful work with the police.

She had found a way to put her torment to good use. But she was finally beyond exhausted. 

She swallowed the pills quickly and almost immediately began to feel calm. Placebo effect, she told herself. And she didn't care.

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