Chapter 1: The Negotiation Script Reading

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Hyun Bin's Apartment

The doorbell rang at 9:00 am sharp. Silence.

"Hyung, are you ready?" Im Dong Wan, Hyun Bin's manager called out after a minute. More silence.

Dong Wan frowned, its unlike Hyun Bin to be late for a schedule. He was going to ring the doorbell a second time when the door flung open.

"Give me two minutes", Hyun Bin muttered, flinging open drawers, searching for something. "Where did I put it...." More drawers being opened. "Finally!" He took out a box from the last drawer and looked up at his manager. "Sorry Dong Wan, I'm good now. Its for my mum's birthday and I'm heading home for dinner after the script reading. Just couldn't remember where I kept her present. Let's go. Don't want to be late for the first meeting!"

The Negotiation Script Reading Location

Ye-Jin arrived slightly early. She was dressed in a simple black T-shirt and pants, smiling and politely bowing to the staff.  Her cheerfulness was contagious, it felt like a breeze of spring had entered the room. Everyone found themselves smiling back as well.

She has been looking forward to this project. The script is challenging, filming will be done in a small space which meant they need to rely heavily on acting skills. The crew looked solid - Director Lee Jong-Suk seems to be a passionate and nice, albeit rookie, director. This is her first collaboration with Hyun Bin but he is known to be a serious and talented actor. The filming method was new to her. There seems to be endless possibilities on what they can produce and that was the main reason why she was keen to take on this project.

"Good morning Director Lee", Ye-Jin took the seat next to the Director. "We're finally starting!" she beamed. "I've been going through the script and I have more thoughts every time I read it."

"You look all prepared, I'm looking forward to discuss all the ideas. Also, thanks again for accepting this project. I'm sure we'll see new sparks with this cast." Director Lee said.

Just then, Hyun Bin arrived.  He clearly had not shaved for a couple of days and looked a little different from his usual clean-cut image. He's getting into his character, Ye-Jin thought to herself. Ye-Jin stood up and offered her hand, "Good morning, Hyun Bin-shi, Son Ye-Jin. Its good to see you."

Hyun Bin took her hand, she had a firm handshake but it crossed his mind that her hand felt small and oddly vulnerable in his larger hands. Where did that thought come from, he asked himself. "Good morning and I apologize for arriving late, Sonbae?" Hyun Bin hesitated on how he should address Ye-Jin. To his surprise, Ye-Jin didn't seemed the least concerned about how she was addressed and Director Lee quickly kick off their script reading session.

It became apparent to the crew that there was an intrinsic and almost magical chemistry between the two leads. Despite this being their first project together and a mere script reading, the verbal exchange between the them felt natural and one could almost see the sparks between negotiator and kidnapper. They seem to build on each other's energy and increased the tempo and intensity of the scenario.

By the time they break for lunch, Director Lee could be seen grinning from ear to ear, he knew he had uncovered a gem combination.

The photo testing session in the afternoon went well and Director Lee was very pleased with the visual results of the pairing. He mused in his mind that the photos could pass off as shots for a romantic film rather than an action film, with them as enemies no less. He unconsciously shook his head in amusement.

"Is something wrong Director Lee?", Ye-Jin saw him shake his head and wanted to know if he observed anything that needed improvements.

Caught off-guard, the rookie director turned slightly red and hurriedly said, "No, no, not at all, I was just thinking that chemistry between the characters will be the selling point of our movie and what we can do to further bring it out."

Ye-Jin paused and digested the comment. "Hmm.... I think I understand what you mean. Since we don't have elaborate backdrops, the audience will focus on our interaction. That's the selling point. Do you have any ideas on how we can improve our chemistry, Director?" Hyun Bin heard the exchange and was also looking expectantly at the Director, ready to do his part.

"Errm.... how about let's get to know each other better in a relaxed setting? That's usually the best way to break ice. I'll reach out to your managers to set up dinner and drinks." Director Lee threw that out and hurriedly walked away. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin simultaneously turned and looked at each other, the same expression of puzzlement on their face, before shrugging their shoulders. To the on-looker, even their unscripted reaction showed perfect chemistry.

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