Chapter 1- The Wonders of Dawn

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"What are we going to do?" Hu Tao asked as the heroes wandered through the city.

Shuichi sighed, "I was going to suggest visiting the places that the heroes went to but half of them are locked up due to the gender division."

"Why is that stupid thing in the way anyways?!" Lysithea pouted. The heroes shrugged their shoulders.

Lucina asked, "What if Divination allowed you to pass through?"

"No can do, Divination is busy talking with Tsumugi..." Kaede groaned. The heroes all nodded.

Shuichi sighed, "I'm sure in the past 10 years nothing changed. After all... everything seems the same besides the city."

"I..." Hu Tao muttered. Suddenly she remembered the memories of having joy with Zhongli. Now that he was gone... "I... I miss them..."

"So do I," Lucina groaned. The other heroes nodded sorrowfully.

Hu Tao whispered, "Especially you Zhongli, you left... and I miss you..." The heroes sat around in silence. They didn't know what else to do in a situation like this.

"What do you think Divination is doing with Tsumugi?" Lysithea asked.

Shuichi sighed, "Some important business if she wanted to speak to HIM, in private..." The heroes all nodded. Meanwhile, Divination was walking through the halls of his castle.

"Sir Divination, please listen to my request!" Tsumugi shouted.

Divination replied, "I'm listening! Don't worry about it!" Tsumugi took a deep breath.

Tsumugi asked, "You're the ruler of heroes and villains right? How come we need heroes if there hasn't been ANY danger for the past 10 years!?"

"Because I know that my ruling is effective," Divination sighed. "Don't worry about villains anytime soon now Tsumugi."

"But there isn't order without villains now is there? I know what Chrom did in the past was wrong but he made a difference in our future now! So why keep the world the same?!" Tsumugi questioned once again.

Divination sighed, "The world is fine as is... don't worry about it." Tsumugi looked at him in the eyes. Then she took a deep breath.

"Fine... just fine," Tsumugi muttered. She walked out of the castle, leaving Divination behind.





She rushed after Divination with a knife and laughed, "You are nothing Divination! NOTHING! Why are you here trying to protect the heroes if you can't PROTECT yourself..."

"W-What the..." Divination gasped. She pointed the knife directly under Divination's head.

"If anyone finds out about this... I will kill you..." She muttered. "I know you will say 'I'm a god, you can't kill me!' But I know how..." Divination was shaking but soon... he nodded slowly at Tsumugi...

"I'll do as you say..."

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