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"Ah so you want to play these games?" Divination asked. Then he slammed his foot onto the ground. He made ice shards appear from the ground.

Lysithea asked, "What's the deal?" Divination smiled at her.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Divination laughed. Raiden dashed towards them. The heroes dodged her attacks.

Peach questioned, "What are we going to do? Divination and Raiden are gods!"

"If we can't beat them, we'll have to weaken them," Shuichi suggested. The heroes nodded. They fought against the two.

Divination laughed, "I enjoy playing with you children..." Then he threw his lance.

"WATCH IT!" Susie shouted. Susie quickly dodged Raiden's attack. The heroes gathered up with each other.

Ganyu suggested, "I think I can distract them with my elemental burst." She rushed over and used her elemental burst.

"Great... what I needed," Divination muttered. He took out his lance and got rid of the ice particles.

Lysithea shouted, "DARK SPIKES T!" Then she struck Divination and Raiden with it.

"Well... I didn't suspect such an attack. None the matter however," Divination sighed. He got up and took out a bow and arrow.

"What does this guy not have?" Beth groaned. She took out the sword of the creator and hit him with it. Divination had shot the arrow up into the air.

"BE CAREFUL!" Tiki shouted. Then she transformed into a dragon.

Divination sighed, "Well you're all no match for me..." He took out his lance and rushed at the heroes. Then Beth rushed at him. They started to duke it out with their weapons.

"You... are smart but not smart ENOUGH!" Divination shouted. Then he shoved the sword out of Beth's hands.

Raiden complimented, "You're doing splendidly dear." Divination smiled back at her. They were ready to attack the heroes. Then suddenly.

"TAKEEE THIS!" Someone in the distance shouted. Then they attacked Divination and Raiden from behind.

"Who are you?!" Lysithea asked.

The person replied, "Marissa. I'm Markus' sister."

"Your brother died," Beth broke. Marissa took a deep breath.

Marissa replied, "I know he did die. So I'm here to AVENGE HIM!" Divination took a deep breath and got up.

Divination sighed, "I love it when you children talk nonsense." The heroes got ready to attack again. Raiden sent electric bolts at the heroes.

"DODGE IT!" Marissa shouted. She dashed past each electric bolt and then hit Raiden with the Yato.

"YOU WON'T DEFEAT US THAT EASILY!" Divination shouted. He got ready to hit Marissa. Marissa got ready to hit him. The heroes started to fight Raiden. She was outnumbered hard.

"Why are you fighting me? Is it because your twin brother is dead? Please... I need more strategy than this!" Divination laughed. Then he shoved Marissa out of the way.

Zelda shouted, " I'M COMING!" She rushed over and attacked Divination.

"You children are smart... damn," Divination muttered. Then he threw his lance into the ground. The ground started to shake. Then the floor slowly split apart.

"AHH!!" Zelda shouted. She got on one of the broken building parts and attacked Divination from above.

Marissa shouted, "YOU'RE A MONSTER AND A MISTAKE TO DAWN!" Then she transformed into a dragon as well.

"Well I don't want to cause any harm," Divination whispered. He took a deep breath and looked at his lance. He took out his lance and got ready to attack.

"ATTACK NOW!" Marissa shouted. The heroes finished fighting Raiden and shot projectiles at Divination. No matter how hard they tried. Seemed like Divination deflected each and every one that was thrown at him.

"HE'S TOO SMART! HE'S DEFLECTING OUR PROJECTILES!" Kaede shouted. Marissa looked over and rushed at Divination. She caught the arrow that was soaring down. She rushed at Divination and threw it at him. He was hit directly in the arm.

"GODS!" Divination shouted. He dropped his lance and backed away.

Marissa muttered, "Stay... away from all of us... now..." Divination looked at her and whispered something. He grabbed his lance and got up.

"Fine, I will leave you alone... just this once," Divination muttered. Then he disappeared. Raiden disappeared with him.


"Oh, that's a relief, we couldn't have done it without you, Marissa," Tiki sighed as she transformed back into a human.

Marissa replied, transforming back, "I'm glad to help you guys."

"Please, join Team Hero, it would be so good to have you on our team!" Peach suggested. Marissa stood there thinking about it. Then she nodded.

"Consider it done. I'll avenge my brother a lot easier this way," Marissa said as she shook Peach's hand.

Shuichi thanked, "Thank you so much for doing this with us..." Marissa nodded and smiled at the heroes.

"More importantly, we gotta check out the men's division. Something tells me they aren't doing so well without their protector," Tessa suggested. The heroes nodded and rushed off.

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