Chapter 9- At Her Disposal

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The heroes got ready to attack. Shuichi and Markus were rushing over to help the others.

"Apparently we're dealing with a threat greater than what Divination can handle..." Hu Tao replied. Shuichi and Markus nodded and took out their weapons.

Ganyu explained, "Here's the plan everyone! Whoever this person is, we have to confuse them! We have some people to attack head-on and others who distract them! Got it!?"

"YES!" The rest shouted. Then they showed up. They appeared to be someone the heroes were familiar with.

"Fancy meeting you all correct? I guess I should've introduced myself in such a manner," The person replied. Their voice was deep and wasn't feminine.

Beth asked, "Who are you, and why are you attacking the people of this city!?" The person looked down at Beth and smirked.

"I am here with Ei to destroy you all, as I am REX LAPIS!" The person shouted. The heroes looked up.

Lucina asked, "And D-Divination couldn't handle them!?"

"I think he can, he's just testing us!" Lysithea shouted. Then suddenly they were being attacked. They dodged the attacks that were dashing against their will.

"H-How are we supposed to defeat two gods?!" Kaede asked as she defended herself from the attacks. Hu Tao looked around and jumped on a building. She rushed over to plunge Rex Lapis onto the ground.

Tess asked, "Okay, we're getting somewhere but what else are we going to do!?" Hu Tao and Ganyu worked together to take down Rex Lapis.

Lucina asked, "What if we do the same thing we did to Rex Lapis to Ei?" Ei threw electric darts at the heroes.

"Huh, maybe we can..." Kaede muttered as she rushed forward. She jumped onto Ei and pulled her onto the ground.

"OW!!" Ei shouted. Except... it didn't sound like Ei.

Lysithea asked, "Huh? The voice completely changed!" Ei looked up at the heroes. Rex Lapis looked over and backed away.

"Wait... who are you and what are you doing!?" Beth asked as she rushed to face Ei. Rex Lapis looked over and stared at the heroes. He dashed out of the scene before anyone could see.

"Heh, I guess you were fooled," Ei laughed. Then she transformed into her true self.

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