Chapter 74- AHAHAHA!!

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"Her strength is too much! Having the ability to transform from hero to hero is so stupid!" Markus grunted. Then he transformed back to a human.

"AHAHA! You can't defeat me! I have so much planned for your inevitable defeat!" Zhongli laughed. The heroes looked at him and back at the chaos sword.

"GIVE US THE DAMN SWORD!" Lucina shouted as she tackled Zhongli. He dropped the sword and Susie rushed to grab it.

"We got it, Lucina!" Susie cheered. Lucina nodded and the two started to fight. They seemed to never stop throwing hands at each other.

"We have to find a way to get Tsumugi out of here..." Markus muttered. Lysithea was writing something down, then she showed it to Markus.

Lysithea asked, "What do you think about it? I think it works well." The heroes checked over the plan and agreed to it. Lucina and Zhongli were continuously throwing hands at each other.

"TAKE THIS!" Lysithea shouted. Lucina moved away just in time for Zhongli to be hit by the dark spikes.

Zhongli asked, "Are we really going to be playing this game? I'm very excited to see what is going to come..."

"I don't care what you think Tsumugi! All I know is that you're completely WRONG!" Lysithea shouted. Then Zelda threw a stick at him.

"TAKE THIS!" Peach shouted as she hit Zhongli with her parasol.

"OW! WHAT THE- HEY!" Zhongli shouted. They continued to pin him down onto the ground. That was the case until Zhongli grabbed the thread and transformed back into Tsumugi.

"Damn you all... you never seem to give anyone justice..." Tsumugi muttered.

Lucina yelled, "We won't stop until we finish you off!" Tsumugi rolled her eyes and smiled.

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