Chapter 48- Sudden Tears

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"Divination..." Someone whispered. Divination slowly opened his eyes, he had tears streaming down from his cheeks. Wondering if he was in the wrong for what he did.

Divination asked, "Who's there?!" He got up and took out his lance.



"Divination," Someone said. Suddenly it was a spirit. Divination looked over and it was Princess Lilyana.

Divination asked, "L-Lilyana!" He had tears in his eyes. Lilyana looked over at Divination, she was only a spirit with a bright white glow. "PLEASE LILYANA!"

"I'm sorry Divination..." Lilyana whispered. Divination got up and ran over to her but she was nothing but dust. "I wish we could've spent more time with each other."

Divination whispered, "But you... we..."

"Shh... don't be scared my dear," Princess Lilyana whispered. She gently placed her hand on Divination's cheek. Feeling his tears.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry..."

"But I feel like I did something wrong..." Divination muttered. He looked at the ground and light finally came to play.

"Didn't suspect to see you here Divination," Tsumugi giggled. Divination looked up and saw Tsumugi.

Divination shouted, "LEAVE ME ALONE WRETCHED CHILD!"

"Jeez... you've never been this rude," Tsumugi muttered. Divination stared at her and got even more infuriated.

Divination shouted, "CHILD! I don't have the effort and time for this!" Tsumugi rolled her eyes.

"Feeling stressed? Ooh... boo-hoo," Tsumugi mocked. Divination grew pissed. He attempted to attack Tsumugi.

"DIVINATION!" Tsumugi shouted. Divination put his lance away and stared at her angrily. "What's with your aggressive attitude?!"

"Misbehaved children, must be punished, now I must do what I must..." Divination mumbled.

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