Chapter 56- Sudden...

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"Divination's true identity... he was... once-" Zhongli started, Hu Tao looked at him and he took a deep breath once more.

Hu Tao asked, "He... was once what?"

"A mortal, like most gods, but he was someone, someone important. I learned this all he told me, when he did. I was astonished to hear this, his true identity... Divination is in fact- ARGH!" Hu Tao looked down and saw a sword in his stomach.

Hu Tao asked, "ZHONGLI!?!?!" He dropped onto the ground and Hu Tao looked up. It was Divination.

Divination laughed, "I warned you Zhongli, yet you didn't listen." He took the sword out of Zhongli. He had blood dripping from the sword.

"AH!!!" Hu Tao screamed. Divination grabbed her and looked back at Zhongli.

Divination ordered, "I was lucky enough to stop him... but if you EVER learn about that information. I will not HESITATE to MURDER YOU!!!!" Hu Tao looked at him and was terrified. She felt the blood of Zhongli reach her shoe.

"AHHHH!!!!"" She shouted. Divination covered her mouth and smiled at her. She was mortified, not being able to do anything to what Divination was doing to her.

Divination laughed, "OH! You're so oblivious..." Hu Tao had tears in her eyes. Zhongli was now dead, Shuichi was dead. Was she the next one!?

Hu Tao asked, "Are you... going to kill me?"

"Perhaps, I will, perhaps I won't... unless you hand me the sword then your life will be spared!" Divination replied. Hu Tao stood there shaking.

Divination asked, "You do have the sword don't you?" Hu Tao slowly shook her head no. Divination took a deep breath and laughed. "Who does have it?"

Hu Tao muttered, "I think Beth has it." Divination smiled and teleported away with Hu Tao. What was going on, and what was Divination planning?!

"Zhongli... why did it have to be you?" Hu Tao whispered.

Divination shouted, "SILENCE!" Then threw Hu Tao into a cage. She felt blood steam down from her head, Divination had no reaction whatsoever, then he left Hu Tao stuck in that cage...

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