Chapter 94- Whispers

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"We're finally back in the city everyone!" Zelda cheered. Then they saw the disaster the city was now. It was... destroyed. It had the unsettling vibe of being abandoned.

"What... happened here?" Shuichi asked. They looked around. There appeared to be no life around here. They looked around the area.

Peach asked, "We were only gone for a few days... What did Divination even do?" They stared at the rusted buildings. It looked like a warzone. Something must've happened.

"Damn! What happened here?!" Tessa asked. Crumbles, dust, broken buildings, it was all there. Wondering what went down.

"DIVINATION! HOW DARE YOU DO SO MANY DUMB THINGS!" Agent 8 yelled. They looked around all the rust.

"Ah... you're all here..." A voice whispered. The heroes immediately took out their weapons. The footsteps got louder. Then they heard more footsteps.

"NO! PLEASE!" Someone shouted. The heroes rushed over but they were too late. The person was killed... by none other but Divination himself.

Raiden asked, "How has your time here in the city been? I'm sure this is a sight to see." The heroes ignored Raiden's question and stared directly at Divination. Covered in dust, innocent people's blood, and most importantly... he was wearing Opal's earrings.

Divination sighed, "Opal and Shenhe are dead. There will be nobody left to save you..." He looked down at his necklace.

Shuichi asked, "What benefits do you get from this madness?!"

"I get a lot of benefits! For starters I don't have to deal with so many innocent people!" Divination laughed. "Those people don't do me any favors, so I do what I must."

Lysithea shouted, "SO MANY INNOCENT LIVES TAKEN AWAY BY YOUR POOR RULING DECISIONS!" Divination smirked at them. He looked at his lance and took a deep breath.

Tiki asked, "Raiden, why on Dawn's name are you still with him!?"

"Because we love each other... and I will do everything in my power to protect him," Raiden sighed. Divination smiled at Raiden.


"SHUT UP!" Raiden shouted. The heroes stood back and took out their weapons. Divination and Raiden took out their weapons.

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