Chapter 71- The Problems and The Solution

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"I finally figured it out! I finally did! FINALLY!" Divination laughed. Raiden walked in with notes in her hands. Divination turned around and faced Raiden.

"I have the notes for you Milord," Raiden sighed. Divination nodded and went through the notes.

Divination sighed, "Alright then, looks like I have all the information I need for this."

"Okay, I'll be here if you need me to do anything," Raiden sighed. Divination nodded. He started to work on a plan.

Divination explained, "The problem is the heroes. They have the chaos sword, but do you know who else is a problem? Tsumugi. HER..."

"But I thought you punished her?" Raiden questioned. Divination looked at her and smirked.

"AHAHA! I did! Yet that didn't do ANYTHING!! So I have to make sure I have a plan to do something about her," Divination answered.

Raiden asked, "What do you suppose you do?"

"That's just it, I don't know..." Divination sighed. Raiden looked at his technology glasses and they appeared to have a crack in it. It was white, maybe it was a design change?

"Milord, your glasses have a crack on them," Raiden noticed. Divination immediately took off his glasses and checked it.

Divination sighed, "It's fine, it doesn't seem to be that noticeable."

"But the crack is white, very noticeable..." Raiden muttered. Divination put it on and let out a long sigh.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I'm able to use my glasses, it doesn't have that much of an impact," Divination sighed.

Raiden sighed, "If you say so Milord." He finished the plan and gave it to Raiden.

"If you do it, I'll give you a lot of blessings," Divination whispered. Raiden looked at the plan and nodded.

"I'll make you proud, Milord! DO NOT FEAR!" Raiden cheered. Then she rushed out of the building.

"Oh you never disappoint Raiden, you never do..." Divination mumbled.

Eternal FutureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz