Chapter 60- His Arc and Command

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"Divination, what are you cutting out?" Raiden asked. Divination stood quiet, he was so focused on his project.

Raiden sighed, "Hu Tao... how are you feeling?"

"LET ME OUT!!!" She shouted. Raiden looked over and Divination walked over, he showed her a type of figure.

"This... is you. This is what will happen to you soon." Then soon he crumbled up the paper and grabbed out scissors. Soon cutting the paper up.

"Do... you want to kill me that badly?" Hu Tao asked as she shook. Divination looked down and smiled. Hu Tao looked around the entire room, it felt so... large.

Raiden asked, "Do you want me to do anything milord?" Divination looked over and slowly shook his head. He walked away from the cage.

"Oh... sweet dear old me Hu Tao..." Divination muttered. Hu Tao sat there, staring at Divination. Divination muttered something under his breath. But nobody could hear it.

Raiden asked, "Do you need me to do anything?" Divination stood there, still muttering something. Raiden and Hu Tao watched Divination continuously mutter something.

Hu Tao asked, "Divination?"

"DID I GIVE YOU THE RIGHTS TO SPEAK?!" Divination shouted as he kicked the cage. It startled Hu Tao. Divination stood there and then he smiled at Hu Tao.

Divination sighed, "Nevermind that... there's no reason to act now." Then he walked off. Right as he did, someone broke in.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Lucina shouted. Divination stood there and gave no reaction. He just stood there... staring.

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