Chapter 21- ...

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Everything finally made sense, Hu Tao slowly opened her eyes in a black room. She stared and tried to find something. There was nothing until she came across her eyes to a throne. There was someone sitting there.

"Hello?" Hu Tao asked. The person sat there, their head looking at the ground. "Who... are you?" They looked up and it became clear. It was Zhongli, he looked down upon Hu Tao, he appeared to be pissed off.

Hu Tao asked, "Zhongli? Is everything alright?" He didn't respond, he just looked down at Hu Tao. He just looked extremely unhappy. "ZHONGLI!"

"SILENCE!" He shouted. Hu Tao bounced backward, she looked at him again and this time he got up from the chair. "Why are you here? What brings you here that you MUST disturb me!?" Hu Tao looked over at him. She started to shiver in fear.

Hu Tao muttered, "I... don't understand."

"You DO understand, you just happen to NOT CARE!" Zhongli shouted. Hu Tao jumped up and moved backward. Zhongli looked at her, he rolled his eyes and started walking towards her. "I am supposed to be the only here, I'm supposed to be the one. I AM YOUR GOD!"

Hu Tao shaked and replied, "What do you mean you're my GOD!? I just don't seem to understand at all! What do you MEAN!?" Zhongli looked down at her, his golden eyes glowed ever so brightly.

"I want to make sure I'm the only person taking responsibility for your world... I am the one responsible for your dreams, your nightmares, YOUR REALITY!" Zhongli shouted. He had horns on his head now and his teeth became sharper.

Hu Tao shouted, "NO!!! NO!!!" She tried to break free from his grip. Then his face disappeared. It was... the creature from one of her nightmares.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST UNDERSTAND FOR ONCE?!" The creature shouted, once more... The creature had a gross and raspy voice. It sounded like it was dying...

"W-What happened to your voice?! You sounded perfectly like Zhongli when I first saw you!" Hu Tao stammered. The creature looked at her with a big grin on her face.

"Well you're now hearing a large distortion of his voice, I am still your creature of nightmares and soon... soon my darling you'll no longer tell what is reality and what is fiction..." The creature explained. Hu Tao looked at it and shook her head.

"I refuse to believe you at all costs," Hu Tao sighed. The creature smiled at her.

"Be my guest, but I want to do one little thing with you darling," The creature mumbled.

Hu Tao asked, "What?" Then suddenly the creature transformed into a demonic beast.

"OHHH MY GODDDD!!!" She shouted as she dashed off. The creature chased her through the darkness, there was no escaping from the creature. It continued to chase her at the speed of light.

"NONONONONONONO!!!" Hu Tao shouted. Then she hit the ground, the creature was drooling and walked closer and closer to her.

"No... no... NO!!!!!!!!!!!"

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