Chapter 139- Mayor Tails and The Heroes

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"Mayor Tails?" Lucina questioned as she looked around. Mayor Tails came walking by and he seemed armed.

"Great..." Beth mumbled. Tails pointed his gun at the heroes.

Tails groaned, "I've already asked you all to leave. But clearly you guys won't listen. So under the great command of Milord Divination... we must punish you."

"You don't need to listen to this man!"

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The heroes took out their weapons. Tails started to shoot bullets. The heroes fought against him.

"LEAVE US ALONE!!" Lucina shouted. "WE JUST WANT TO HELP!"

"HELP IS NOT WHAT WE NEED!" Tails shouted. He continued to shoot bullets. Lysithea rushed over to figure out a new direction to lead the Mayor into the right direction.

"Lucina! Over here!" Lysithea yelled in order to get Lucina's attention. She walked over and checked with Lysithea. She showed her a new plan and Lucina went to execute the plan.

"Opal wouldn't want you to side with Divination," Lucina sighed. Then the heroes put their weapons away. Tails stared at them confused.

"We don't want to fight... Come on already!" Lucina encouraged. Tails rolled his eyes and shot more bullets. The storm continued to rage on. The heroes could feel the entire atmosphere worsen.


Tails sighed, "Divination is here to renovate the world..." Then he shot more bullets. Thunder continued to roar in the sky. Lucina took a deep breath.

"Please... this storm is insane! You must believe us!" Lucina shouted. Tails looked up at the clouds. Thunder came down and he was frightened.

"OKAY DEAL!" Tails shouted as he dropped his gun. He was frightened by the sudden lightning. The heroes all nodded.

Lucina sighed, "You don't need to be afraid of us, we're going to do our best to protect you all."

"Okay... thanks," Tails sighed. Lucina nodded.

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