Chapter 129- Calm Before The Storm

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"YOU'RE TELLING ME DIVINATION KILLED MY COUSIN!?" Azura asked as she had tears in her eyes. The heroes nodded.

Marissa whispered, "We... did everything we could to make him not do it. But it was no use. Markus wanted to sacrifice himself and... Divination wouldn't let him go."

"I trusted this man... I thought he was my friend... clearly now I realize this man is insane," Azura muttered. "I always knew that but never did I once think Divination would kill Markus. He's taken so many lives..."

Lucina grumbled, "I will make sure that man is destroyed. HE'S TAKEN EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!"

"Lucina..." Ganyu gasped. She walked over to Lucina and took her to Lake Drain. It was empty, the lake was completely empty, no water to be seen.

Lucina asked, "What do you want from me Ganyu?! Can't you see I'm dealing with some hard times?!"

"We know that, but you have to remember what Divination told you. He said that your step-father said this, so think, what was it that he said?" Ganyu explained. Lucina sat there... she stared into the forest.

Lucina replied, "If you see a white bird in the sky... that's your father. That's what Divination said... at least... what my step-father said."

"Exactly," Ganyu cheered with a smile on her face.

Lucina asked, "What's the point? That madman doesn't give out good information. He's just useless and not even worth the time. Divination will pay for his sins."

"Lucina... don't think about it too har-"

"QUIT IT GANYU. I WILL KILL THAT MAN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" Lucina shouted. He took off her necklace and stared at it. She was infuriated.

"Lucina! You aren't allowed to take that off! You know it's for your own good!" Ganyu shouted.

Lucina argued, "I don't care. Father knows what's right. The right thing to do is to kill Divination with the Demon form. There's no way he'll stop me now."

"LUCINA!" Ganyu yelled. But Lucina had disappeared from her eyesight. "I must warn Azura... immediately." Ganyu rushed over to find Azura.

Lysithea muttered, "It's awful. Divination has gone so far, I'm afraid of what he's going to do..."

"AZURA!!" Ganyu shouted as she came running.

Azura asked, "Ganyu? What's going on?" Ganyu took a minute to catch her breath.

"Lucina took off her necklace and dropped it on the ground. She said that the only way to kill Divination is to defeat him with the Demon form. SHE'S IN DANGER!" Ganyu explained while shaking.

Azura whispered, "What are you doing Lucina..." She took the necklace from Ganyu's hand and rushed to find Lucina. The heroes followed after her to find Lucina.

"Markus wouldn't want this from her. HER PARENTS DON'T WANT THIS FROM HER!" Lysithea shouted.


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