Chapter 91- Disoriented

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"Alright... Divination said to pick up these items..." Raiden muttered. Then she stopped. The heroes were running in her direction. She took out his polearm. "DO NOT MOVE ANOTHER STEP!"

Lysithea yelled, "Move out of the way! Opal was just murdered!" Raiden looked at the heroes and was confused.

Beth explained, "Yeah, your little god here decided to kill him. He said that he was sorry but in reality we're 100% sure he was faking it!"

"Milord doesn't fake things," Raiden muttered.

"Oh yes he does! Reminder when he ATTEMPTED TO KILL ME. He acted like he didn't care if we had the chaos sword! In reality he did care! He wanted the sword so badly!" Shuichi yelled. Raiden looked at the heroes and slowly put her polearm down.

Lysithea asked, "Aren't you supposed to be protecting Divination?! What are you doing out here?!"

Raiden began, "He sent me on a mi-"

"NOBODY CARES!" Lysithea shouted. Raiden looked at her in disbelief.

Tiki sighed, "You're very devoted to your psychopath of a man but... we're sorry. We can't seem to care enough for him as much as you do."

"THAT'S AN INSULT TO MILORD!" Raiden yelled.

Beth mocked, "That's an insult?! And killing Opal isn't some crime or something that he's committing? Forget it Raiden. You're supporting a psychopath. You need to LET. HIM. GO."

Raiden sighed, "He may be a psychopath but that doesn't mean he's not doing the right thing. He's doing things to change our lives!"

"GODSSS, you're stupid!" Lysithea shouted. Raiden took a deep breath and shoved the heroes out of the way. She continued to run off.

"I swear, she's in some type of fantasy or something like that," Agent 8 mocked.

Susie laughed, "Not just a fantasy, THE fantasy." Then the rest of the heroes laughed and turned the opposite direction.

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