Chapter 3- The Reality of Hope

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"Hu Tao," A voice murmured, she slowly opened her eyes to see Ganyu. "I heard a yell from last night, did you scream?"

"Yes..." Hu Tao grumbled as she rubbed her eyes awake.

Ganyu asked, "Is everything okay?" Hu Tao stared at her in the eyes. Suddenly the distorted images of that creature kept appearing left and right. Their menacing look, the creepy smile... everything... "Hu Tao?"

"Huh?" She asked, shaking back to reality.

Ganyu questioned, "Did you... see anything?"

"I saw... a creature that looked just like Zhongli, everything felt real, they felt real... I thought I was in reality until I woke up..." Hu Tao gasped.

Ganyu thought, "There was a creature that looked exactly like Zhongli?" Hu Tao nodded. Ganyu sat there wondering what that could've been at all.

"Yeah, I just don't know what it was but it was just terrifying... sorry I didn't mean to scare you," Hu Tao sighed. Ganyu looked over and smiled at her.

Ganyu sighed, "Well, I hope you're feeling better."

"I'm feeling a lot better thanks to you!"

"That's a good thing!" They both exchanged smiles with one another.

Shuichi asked, "You guys getting up?" Hu Tao nodded and Ganyu left the room behind Shuichi. Hu Tao got up and followed them into the kitchen. They were living up in a tall building so there was not much to do.

"Should we venture around the city?" Lysithea asked.

Tessa laughed, "Ooh good idea! Let's get going then!" They all finished breakfast and they went outside. The crowds were everywhere, the loudness of the city. It was alive.

"Can't you imagine this place used to be a town?" Zelda asked.

Kaede sighed, "I sure can't imagine that..." They all laughed with each other when suddenly...

"HELLLPPP!!!" A voice shouted. The heroes looked around and there appears to be a guy among the crowds running away from the police.

Agent 8 asked, "Erm... what's going on?"

"No time to explain! We have to help him from the police!" Lucina shouted. The heroes rushed after the police to help the guy.

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