Chapter 96- Depths Underneath

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"TAKE THIS!" Someone shouted. Lucina was fighting off the darkness monsters. They were following her but she had one goal in mind. She had to save Markus.

"MARKUS!!" Lucina shouted. There was no response. She continued to fight off the monsters and rushed to find Markus. She had no idea where she was going but she had to find Markus.

Lucina asked, "Where could he be?" She continued to run around. The creatures kept following her but she continued to defend herself.

"Need some help?" Someone asked. Lucina looked over, grabbed a torch out and spotted Hu Tao.

"Hu Tao?!" Lucina asked.

Hu Tao replied, "I'm here to assist! I've been dealing with these monsters forever!" Lucina stared at her and smiled. The two worked together and fought the creatures off.

"I wasn't suspecting to see you here!" Lucina replied as she defended herself from the monsters.

Hu Tao laughed, "Oh, I didn't suspect to see YOU here! Divination really decided to kill the both of us, eh?" Lucina looked at Hu Tao and nodded.

"Well that's no match for us, right?" Lucina asked. Hu Tao nodded. Together they got rid of the creatures. They were endless but it was less chaotic.

Hu Tao sighed, "I think I have an idea of where Markus is." Lucina looked at her and smiled.

"Well, let's hurry up then," Lucina responded. Then the two rushed off. They kept killing the creatures on their path. Then suddenly.

"HELLO?" Someone shouted. Lucina looked over and spotted another person with a torch.

"MARKUS?!" Lucina questioned. She rushed over to the torch to find Markus and Zhongli.

Hu Tao cheered, "Hey you two! Good to see you!" Markus and Lucina quickly hugged each other.

Zhongli sighed, "There's just endless of these darkness creatures. Gods."

"Oh, we're used to it right, Zhongli?" Hu Tao asked. Zhongli nodded.

Zhongli sighed, "Oh we are, but we're going to make a plan to get you guys up on the surface." The two nodded.

Markus sighed, "Maybe we can be revived?"

"It's a possibility, but you guys have a limit! You guys gotta be fast since it appears you guys have 5 days left!" Hu Tao explained.

Lucina asked, "Where can we be revived?" Hu Tao thought about it for a bit. Then she pointed them to the direction where Markus and Zhongli came from.

"BUT BE FAST!" Hu Tao shouted. The two nodded and rushed off. Markus defended Lucina from the creatures as she dashed towards the direction where Hu Tao pointed her.

"GOOOD LUCK!!" Hu Tao shouted. Then she and Zhongli fought off the creatures. The two continued to run through the darkness. There seemed to be no end to it.

"Come on! We have to be close!" Lucina shouted. She took out falchion and killed the creatures that were underneath her.

Markus sighed, "I really hope we can be revived and stop Divination." Lucina nodded. She continued to fight off the creatures. Then they spotted something up ahead.

"WAIT! I SEE LIGHT!" Lucina shouted. Markus looked over and noticed it too.

Markus replied, "WE GOTTA HURRY!" They got quicker and faster. They felt like this was their only chance at defeating Divination. They felt like they were the answer.

"WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" Lucina shouted. Then the two reached the light and bolted through it.

"Where are we now?" Markus asked. Then they were surrounded. They took out their weapons and looked around. People were around them. They felt surrounded in an unsettling way.

Lucina asked, "What do you people want from us?"

"Explain yourselves!" Someone shouted. The two looked at each other and back at the crowd of people. Then someone came through the people. They seemed to be part of formality since people were allowing them to pass.

"Excuse me please," The two listened as the person got closer and closer to them. They were frozen in place, then they came across the person.

The person laughed, "I wasn't suspecting you guys here! People! I ask to see-"

"Huh?" Lucina asked. The person looked over and smiled.

The person laughed, "You came just in time! We're so glad you came! I just need to call my retainers!"

"Okay... prior to that, explain who you are?" Markus questioned. Lucina nodded alongside him.

The person replied, "Oh me? My name is..." They took a deep breath and smiled at Lucina and Markus. The suspense was killing them. Who were they? They were familiar yet... they had no idea who they were.

Then finally they gasped and replied, "Yae Miko."

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