Chapter 124- A Small Request

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"Is... someone calling me again?" Divination asked. He picked up the phone and stood there.

"Milord Divination?" The voice replied. Divination immediately recognized the voice.

Divination asked, "You never call. Oh dear, how are you feeling? You aren't getting any younger..."

"Neither are you Divination," The voice replied.

Divination took a deep breath and asked, "What's the matter? You seem to be calling out of the blue. Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened, just..." The voice said. Then they stopped talking. "Come visit me, make sure you come quickly."

"What?! Why?!" Divination asked. But the person hung up. Divination stood there quietly. He took a deep breath. "What could be so urgent that they request that I should come?!" He looked around then his phone started to ring again.

"Hello?" Divination asked.

The voice replied, "Sorry for hanging up, my fingers don't seem to be working as of recently."

"Oh... what do you want me to do?" Divination questioned.

The voice explained, "They're coming for me. Something due to the fact someone who goes by the name Ei or... Baal. Told them about something. They want to come. I need you to come before them!"

"Who's them?! WHAT?!" Divination shouted. He had so many questions.

The voice replied, "Here's my address!" Divination stood quietly. The voice repeated the address and Divination nodded.

"I'll be on my way, don't worry about it. I know to get there before they do..." Divination sighed.

The voice thanked, "Thank you Milord Divination! You do so much for me... it's honestly so kind of you. I know those heroes don't care about you much. You've destroyed a lot of the world, but... I'm just grateful you're doing what I asked."

"Yeah... no problem," Divination replied. Then the person hung up. Divination stood there, reflecting on what the person said.

"Kind? Grateful? That doesn't sound... normal..." Divination asked as he looked around. He took a deep breath and walked off.

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