Chapter 51- The Seas of Cries

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 "WAHH!!" Tessa shouted as she felt the wind. The heroes looked up and saw the sea creature. Divination was up there with it.

Ayato asked, "What do you heroes suppose we should do?" The heroes stared up and saw the two. It was hard deciding what exactly would be the best case.

Kaede suggested, "Maybe we can try hitting the sea creature from here?"

"I'm afraid that's not an option, Divination might as well block our attacks," Azura sighed.

Lucina encouraged, "Let's give it a shot either way, we'll never be too sure." The others nodded. Ayato went to stir the boat closer to the sea creature while Ayaka and Kazuha worked together to get the ship ready to attack.

"What if someone tries to do damage to the sea creature head on?" Shuichi suggested.

Ganyu shouted, "That's a horrible idea! What if someone dies in the process?!"

"We should try it!" Shuichi encouraged. The heroes all stood there watching the creature. Suddenly they felt the boat rumbling, it was shooting at the creature.

"I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY IT!!!" Divination screamed as he sent power rays at the boat.

"AHH!!" Ayaka shouted as the power ray missed the boat. "Hurry! Stir the boat away from the creature! Kazuha! Keep firing!" Ayato began to stir the boat away from the sea creature and Divination. Markus looked up and saw Divination.

"Does... he want to really kill us?"

"That appears to be his objective for now, who knows what he is planning to do next," Beth sighed as she joined Markus. Shuichi was trying to think of a plan.

"Have anything in mind Shuichi?" Lysithea asked. "Other than risking our lives?" Shuichi looked back up at the sky, and Divination continued to throw light rays at them.

Kazuha explained, "If we don't get a plan ready, Divination is going to destroy all of us! If we don't have a plan, let's use Shuichi's last resort plan." The heroes were hesitant, trying to think of better ideas.

"Does this have to be our only option?" Hu Tao asked. The winds grew stronger and ended up pushing the boat back.

"Think FAST!" Ayato shouted, as he tried to stabilize the boat. The heroes looked over at Shuichi and then back at each other.

Agent 8 asked, "Who's willing to risk their life?"

"I am-" Lucina said before Shuichi stepped in saying, "I will."

"Shuichi!" Kaede shouted.

Lucina asked, "Are you willing to do this? This was your idea, and we want you to give us orders."

"I'm sure about this, Hu Tao, hand me the sword," Shuichi said. Hu Tao looked at the sword and then back up at Shuichi.

Hu Tao asked, "Are you going to die?"

"I'm not too sure about that but you should hand me the sword," Shuichi sighed. Hu Tao slowly nodded and gave him the sword.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!! THAT SWORD IS MINE!!!!!" Divination screamed. The heroes were shocked by the sudden rumble of his voice.

"I'm sorry Divination, but I'm afraid you're not getting this sword," Shuichi announced. Divination threw more light rays at the heroes. "Ganyu get ready."

"Huh?" She asked. Shuichi looked up and got closer to the edge of the boat.

"If I don't make it out of here alive, promise me you won't forget me, I'm sorry I wasn't much of help but this is the least I can do," Shuichi said sorrowfully as he said his goodbyes. Ganyu got ready to help Shuichi, then he started to run, one by one Ganyu made icicles bridges for Shuichi to jump on.

"SHUICHI!!!" Hu Tao shouted. She wanted to get Shuichi away from the danger. Divination turned around, looked over and tried to attack Shuichi. He dodged the attack and then finally soared into the air, ready for the end.

"THIS IS THE END!!!" He shouted. Then he came slashing down, he used the sword on the creature and then looked over at the heroes.

"SHUICHII!!!!" Kaede shouted as she tried to hold back her tears. Shuichi smiled and then shoved the sea creature into the waters where it belonged. Then there was a burst of light, nobody could tell what was going on.

"What in god's name happened?!" Divination asked as he cleared his vision. The heroes looked up, the skies were gray but they weren't stormy ones.

"Shuichi?" Lucina asked as she looked around, the boat went back to shore. Divination disappeared in the process.

"Where is he?!" Kaede asked nervously, she wasn't prepared to see what happened to him.

Hu Tao wondered, "Did he wash up on shore?" The heroes got on shore and didn't find anything, not Shuichi, not the sword.

"Hu-Huh?" Hu Tao asked as her voice began to crack. The waves calmly crashed upon the shore. Then...

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