Chapter 81- The Seas Above All

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"I would've never believed that such a miracle like this would happen," Azura sighed. Shuichi looked at her and smiled.

Shuichi apologized, "Sorry for being such a mess. It's been such a while since I've been fully clean..."

"Ah don't worry yourself over it, but we must hurry and get to the heroes, I'm afraid they're getting more and more nervous about Lucina," Azura mumbled.

Shuichi nodded, "Right... right..." They got to the heroes.

"SHUICHI?!" Kaede asked. She rushed over to him and hugged him. The two hugged together.

"Wait... you're alive?!" Lysithea asked. Shuichi nodded and explained.

"When Divination threw me over the tidal wave. I was stuck stranded at sea. It was a good 3 days before the waves magically pushed me to shore. I was so shocked I made it out alive but I didn't have the strength to get back to the city without food, water... I stayed here for a good while now, eating a lot of seafood... smelling bad in the process," Shuichi explained.

Markus gasped, "That's very surprising you managed to live for so long."

"Yeah, I agree but..." Shuichi looked at everyone.

"Where's Hu Tao and Lucina?"

"Hu Tao died, Lucina was captured," Lysithea explained. Shuichi took a deep breath.

"HURRY! We don't have enough time before Divination carries out his execution!" Azura shouted. The heroes nodded and started to run off.

"When we save Lucina, we'll give you the food, the clothing, everything you need," Markus explained. Shuichi nodded.

Azura sighed, "I hope Lucina isn't hurt... it would be dreadful if she is."

"She'll be dead if we don't hurry so let's move!" Tessa shouted. The heroes nodded and followed after Azura.

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